Brian Greenfield

Psychiatry (Inpatients)


Selected publications

Guile JM, Greenfield B. Reliability and diagnostic efficiency of the Abbreviated-Diagnostic-Interview-for-Borderlines in an adolescent clinical population. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (In Press).

Greenfield B, Henry M, Weiss,M, Tse S, Guilé JM, Dougherty G, Zhang X, Fombonne E, Lis E, Lapalme-Remis S, Harnden B. Previously Suicidal Adolescents: Predictors of Six-Month Outcome. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 17 (4): 197-201, Nov 2008.

Lis E, Greenfield B, Henry M, Guilé JM, Dougherty G. Neuro-imaging and Genetics of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Review. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 32(3): 162-173, 2007.