My spine is curvy, let’s talk about it!

A day on pediatric scoliosis

Chez Nous - Winter 2024 Edition!

Catch up on all of the latest news at the Montreal Children's Hospital!

Saving lives through teaching

Canadian and American doctors, led by a surgeon from the Montreal Children's Hospital (MCH), lent a helping hand to their African colleagues this fall, teaching trauma resuscitation techniques in children.

Tips and prevention - Caring for your sick child at home

Advice on influenza, COVID-19 and other respiratory viral infections for parents of children aged 0 to 6.

The Awards of Excellence are back!

Tell us who has shown outstanding commitment, leadership and/or a talent for innovation this year.

Welcome to the Montreal Children's Hospital!

Our Welcome Guide guide contains information about the hospital and its services, and provides a better understanding of what to expect during your child's stay at the hospital.

Is it an emergency?

If your child's case is not urgent, please consider consulting these other resources.
  1. Info santé

    Check with Info-Santé by dialling 8-1-1

  2. Clinic

    Call your doctor or a network clinic

  3. Emergency

    If recommended, go to the Emergency department