Medical Imaging

The Medical imaging department provides x-ray, fluoroscopy, CT Scanning, magnetic resonance, angiography, interventional procedures, ultrasound and nuclear medicine examinations by appointment and for emergency cases.

First appointment

IMPORTANT: When sending an MRI requisition, please also send the MRI safety questionnaire.

Send your request

"*" indicates required fields

Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, jpeg, Max. file size: 5 MB.
IMPORTANT: Ensure your file is under 5MB before uploading to avoid errors or rejection. If it exceeds the limit, compress or reduce its resolution. Please make sure that your attachment is clear and legible. We do not process incomplete applications or provide appointments without a copy of the referral. If you do not attach your referral, you will need to fax it to the department directly. Wait times depend on the priority assigned to the referral and can be as long as several months.

Patient Information

Date of birth*
Health insurance card expiration date*
'DD' corresponds to the child's date of birth.

Contact Information (for parent or guardian)

Medical Imaging

Appointments are mandatory, except for X-rays

Important: Always bring the paper requisition, Medicare card and hospital card with you.


Anna Maria Mormina

Rachel Brinkman
US Coordinator

Audrey Delongchamp
MRI Coordinator

Annie Castro
Nurse Manager 

Manon Laroche
IR Services Coordinator

Patrick Battershill
NM Assistant Chief

Carole Proulx
Chief Technologist

Catherine Lizotte
CT Scan Coordinator

Nicole Greaves


Dr. Caroline Lacroix
Chief Radiologist

Dr. Lucia Carpineta

Dr. Zonah Khumalo

Dr. Karl Muchantef


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