Centre for Pediatric Simulation

Where practice makes perfect
The Pediatric Simulation Institute offers interprofessional training created to reflect real-life situations – from the rarest to the most common – to help teams at the Montreal Children’s Hospital provide the best patient care.
The aim of the centre is to advance clinical care, disseminate knowledge, increase the safety of patients, families and staff, strengthen the culture of simulation as a training method and generate research topics.

Simulations are particularly important for the continuing education of staff. They foster the development of new skills, teamwork, problem-solving, decision-making, and child- and family-centered care, while improving clinical outcomes.
About us
Improving pediatric care one simulation at a time
Provide interprofessional & interdisciplinary simulation activities to clinical & non-clinical MCH teams to innovate, disseminate knowledge, promote child, family, & staff safety, & strengthen our culture of simulation
Humility – Commitment – Reflection – Integrity – Growth
Specific expertise
The Centre for Pediatric Simulation will focus on the care of children and their families. Our unique in situ approach allows participants to problem solve within their own dynamic settings and supports the implementation of learning into practice. It also positions simulation as a rallying point for quality and safety by allowing participants to experiment and see what occurs within their unique contexts while embracing inherent variations, disruptions, and unexpected events. It will be available to all MCH staff.

Sincere thanks to the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and its donors, including the Thistledown Foundation, the Lassner family, and CAE, who made all of this possible.
Our team

- Ilana Bank, Medical Director
- Kelly Cummins, Nurse Manager
- Maia Siedlikowski, Nurse Educator
- Holly Lang, Nurse
The Centre for Pediatric Simulation’s interdisciplinary and interprofessional committee:
- Johanne Boyer, RT, Respiratory Therapy
- Sharon Delisle, Simulation Coordinator, Shriners Hospitals for Children Canada
- Alexandra Hinse, Pharm, Pharmacy
- Ilana Greenstone, MD, Emergency Medicine
- Jose Frias Mantilla, MD Resident, Pediatrics
- Nadine Korah, MD, Medicine
- Ellen Mitchell, RN, Intensive Care
- Lily Nguyen, MD, Otolaryngology
- Catherine Paquet, MD, Anesthesia
- Catherine Rich, MD, Medicine
- Michelle Ryan, MD, Neonatology
- Sarah Shea, ANM, Intensive Care
- Allison Shevell, MD, Complex Care
- Stephanie Welsh, NP, Medicine
Our Services
Learning vital skills for when it matters most
Many events can be simulated, including but not limited to trauma, surgical care, medical care, resuscitation drills, various codes, difficult conversations, as well as disaster preparedness.

If you can think of it, we can make it happen!
The sessions can be filmed or live-streamed so that they can be viewed remotely in real time as well as afterwards. Following each simulation a debrief is organized to help identify challenges and opportunities for improvement. These activities will allow us to improve child, family, and staff safety, as well as provide ideas for research.

The services offered include:
- a mobile unit to facilitate educational sessions throughout the entire hospital in real care environments, including the emergency department, pediatric and neonatal intensive care units, and other types of clinical spaces;
- mannequins of varying sizes and ages to reflect the pediatric population;
- a dedicated team committed to designing and facilitating educational sessions

Equipment list

- Respond to our March and September call HERE
- If you miss our calls please contact us at the following e-mail address [email protected]
- Complete our request form HERE
- +/- Meet with the Centre for Pediatric Simulation to meet your specific needs
- +/- Direct support during your simulation session
- Participants complete your satisfaction survey (designed in collaboration with the Centre for Pediatric Simulation)
- Evaluations
- Data management