Active Kids, Healthy Kids

Active Kids, Healthy Kids

27 November 2013

Active Kids, Healthy Kids is a Canadian Paediatric Society program to help paediatricians, family physicians and other health professionals promote physical activity, nutrition, and other healthy choices.

Why should physicians ask about physical activity?

Every physician has a role to play in helping children and teens maintain healthy, active lives. Have a look at these short videos to find out why.

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Source: Canadian Paediatric Society

Bit by bit, every health visit counts

Physicians can help families live healthy, active lives. By asking about physical activity habits at every visit, physicians begin to lay the foundation for success.

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Source: Canadian Paediatric Society

Build on success

How can physicians empower their patients to be more physically active? It may not be as hard as you think. Learn more about how to work with families to overcome barriers to being active.

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Source: Canadian Paediatric Society

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Let’s get active

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