

Share your child’s story

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In your words…

“Without the incredible staff at the MCH, Hart wouldn’t be here today.” 👶🏥

Meet Hart Moore, a true leap year baby born on February 29, 2024, with transposition of the great arteries. Diagnosed at 20 weeks, he faced a challenging start, but thanks to the expertise and dedication of the different teams at the MCH, he had the best possible care. 

Almost exactly one year ago, on March 5, Hart underwent open-heart surgery. Today, he is thriving! His family is forever grateful to Dr. Lin, Dr. Dancea, Dr. Bernier, his wonderful nurse Elize, his main cardiology nurse Michele, and the entire NICU, PICU, and Cardiac teams who played a part in his care. 

 “The dedication and empathy that I have encountered with all of his Doctors has been nothing short of amazing. To Cardiology, Genetics, PT, OT, Nutrition, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, and Neurology. Thank you for giving me a healthy son who is now thriving with his repaired heart” shares his mom Natasha. 

Hart’s story is a testament to the dedication, compassion, and expertise of our teams at the MCH.

A thank you to the entire NICU team!

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for the exceptional care and support provided to my baby, Excel, and myself during our time in the NICU. Your unwavering dedication, compassion, and professionalism have left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Dr. Richard Gosselin, when Excel was fragile and at his most vulnerable state, you gave me the courage to keep going, you told me you are hopeful for Excel. Those words gave me strength to be hopeful. I will forever be grateful for your encouragement and support.

To Dr. Jessica Duby, Dr.Elizabeth Hailu, Dr. Bayane Sabsabi, Dr. Gabriel Altit, and Dr.Jarred Garfinkle, thank you so much, you all ensured that Excel received the best care. To Marco Zeid and all the Nurse Practitioners, thank you so much. Thank you NICU team you all were amazing and incredible from Excel and mom.

Thank you to the NICU team from Rayn and his mom! 👶🏥

When I was admitted at 22 weeks and 6 days pregnant, coming from my local hospital with barely any hope of my unborn child surviving, a wonderful doctor came. His smile lit up the dark room. Dr. Sant’anna, thank you for all the encouragement and support you have provided. Your positivity gave me the courage to believe in miracles.

The following day, Dr. Duby came and asked how she could help. Dr, you made me understand that it was possible to have my baby survive; you stood by me and encouraged me to stay strong for my son!

Once it became too dangerous for him to stay in utero, I was rushed for an emergency cesarean; Rayn was born at 23 weeks and 3-day gestation. The fear was unbelievable but I knew he was in the best hands.

What an amazing place for our journey to begin. The doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, respiratory therapist and any other member of this beautiful team all have the desire to care for these babies. It was a blessing to be cared for by all of them.

Our stay at the NICU was 117 days, some were very difficult and most were full of hope. I want the team to know how grateful I am to all of them! Together, we got my son healthy and strong enough for him to be able to come home to me. I will cherish every single person I met along the way. 💙

My name is Emile Freson, and I’d like to share my experience with the Complex Pain Unit.

I was referred at 10 years old after struggling with relentless migraines, cramps, and unexplained pain. Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I endured daily pain that made life unbearable. I couldn’t sleep, focus in school, or spend time with friends, and my mental health suffered. After many failed treatments, I was skeptical and believed I would live in pain forever.

The Complex Pain Unit changed my life. Today, my pain is almost entirely gone, apart from occasional flare-ups, and I’m proud to be a graduate of the program. The caring staff taught me pain management techniques that helped me return to school, reconnect socially, and regain control of my life.

Now, I live fully, attending classes, enjoying social activities, and sleeping peacefully. To the team: thank you for giving me the tools to reclaim my life. I am forever grateful.

A Testimony Filled with Emotion and Gratitude 💙 🏥

Last week, Tania Hamon, mother of Chadly, had the opportunity to visit the intensive care unit where so many memories, some painful, came flooding back.

“Crossing paths with the doctor, the social worker, and music therapist Christelle, who cared for my son, my little hummingbird, I was overwhelmed with a wave of gratitude. Their dedication and humanity were essential pillars in our journey.

A particularly touching moment was the photo montage they created to honor the champions of intensive care. Seeing my son’s photo among so many others, I felt a mix of pride and deep emotion. Even now, it reminds me of the journey we’ve been on, marked by struggles, victories, and moments of joy.

I want to express immense thanks to the entire intensive care team for their unwavering dedication. Thanks to them, we were able to face this challenge with a little more light and hope.” 🙏

Heartfelt thanks from the Duchesneau family 👶 🏥

We would like to thank all the staff in the NICU for the care provided to our twins. Despite our short stay, we were fortunate to be so well supported and guided by the entire medical team, especially Dr. Beltempo. Your care and kindness were deeply appreciated during the more challenging moments with our little boys! We will cherish fond memories despite the circumstances.
Once again, a big thank you — it’s thanks to you that the boys were able to come home so quickly!” – The Duchesneau Twins, Éloi and Noah, with mom Audrey and dad Alex

My daughter Cayenne was in pain, experiencing weakness in her legs, and sometimes wouldn’t wake up. We didn’t know what to do and felt scared and heartbroken about her condition.

From the moment we arrived in the emergency of the Montreal Children’s Hospital, the doctors, nurses, and staff welcomed us with cheerful smiles and took great care of her. When we were then transferred to her room, the team on the 9th floor, including the doctors and nurses, provided immediate care; we never felt alone.

We can’t thank the doctors enough for their encouragement and support, reassuring us that our daughter would return to her normal life. The nurses were incredibly kind and patient, the student nurses, kind and compassionate.

From tears to smiles, we received immense support from the hospital’s social workers, who provided for our needs and helped us navigate this journey. The volunteers and team who brought joy to my daughter every day with toys and art supplies made a huge difference. Thank you for being there for Cayenne during one of the most challenging times of our lives. We will be forever grateful to all the staff at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for the exceptional care and support provided to my son, Declan, during his stay at the hospital. Words cannot fully capture the appreciation and relief we felt knowing he was in such capable and caring hands.

To the Emergency Department, thank you for your swift and attentive response during our initial visit. Your professionalism and immediate action made a world of difference during a very stressful time.
To the Pediatric Department, thank you for your unwavering dedication to Declan’s well-being. Your compassionate care and attention to detail helped us navigate his treatment with confidence and hope.
To the Neurology Department, your expertise and thoroughness were invaluable. Your careful monitoring and detailed explanations reassured us and ensured Declan received the best possible care.
Every member of the hospital staff who interacted with Declan showed us what true dedication and compassion look like.

A huge piece of who I am is owed to the care and determination of the MCH and their will to help me live the most healthy and fulfilled life possible.

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis that spread into Crohn’s Disease, and started years of excruciating stomach pain, severe weight loss, nose tube and IV feedings and days/nights filled with sleeping on the toilet and confined to a hospital room.
In 2008, I underwent emergency surgery and I was given my Ostomy. For 15 years, I hid it due to being embarrassed and fearing the stigma and what others would say.
It took me years to learn to love my body and re build my confidence. Last year, I decided to share my story; I’ve embarked on a journey of advocating for Crohn’s Disease and Ostomates and fighting for representation within the fashion industry.
The compassion and care I received at the MCH was invaluable during the toughest moments of my childhood; thank you for all you have done, I wouldn’t be me without you.

@saralevs on Instagram

My wife (Angela) and I wanted to express our immense gratitude for the service, care, and dedication he received during our 2-day stay.

On March 13th, 2024, my son Jacob (9 years old) had extreme abdominal pain, and we immediately headed to the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Jacob ended up receiving what we would describe, as the best care and experience we could have ever imagined during this emotional and strenuous time. We don’t have all the names of the nurses, technicians, support staff, and doctors who guided us during our stay. But thank you so much (a special thank you to Doctor Turnbull for your words of encouragement to Jake). We wanted the entire department and every member to receive our feedback and, especially, our appreciation. Finally, during our extended stay, as time can seem long,  Jacob and I started to create a personal project of his first-ever book to pass the time. Jacob brainstormed and read out loud and dictated his story idea to me. As staff members walked into our room, they learned of what we were doing and took it upon themselves to ask questions about his book idea, inspire conversation with Jacob, and help encourage and support him with his cool project. We believe this also helped make his stay even more pleasurable. Therefore, as he promised a couple of staff members that when we finish his book, we will send your department a copy of his final project, and in that spirit, we have attached his recently finished cover artwork for his book called “Robo-Komodo: Dawn of the Goat.” Thank you again to everyone at the Children’s, and please, if you could pass along our heartfelt thank you on behalf of Angela and myself, This first experience at the hospital and scary time as parents were made special and safe because of all of you.

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