Is Your Child Street Smart?
27 January 2009
Your child is getting older and can now go to school by himself. But, is your child street smart?
We think it’s important to share these basic tips on how to make sure your child is well prepared for any event.
- Make a set route with your child which includes a crossing guard. Ensure that your child always follows this same route.
- Ensure that the route passes safe places where your child can ask for help such as: restaurants, friend’s houses or stores.
- Find a friend or a neighbor who will walk with your child.
- Know where your child is at all times. Make sure your child lets you know when he/she is going to be late or going somewhere else.
- Establish a plan in case you are late. Your child should have another person he/she can contact if needed.
- Teach your to cross streets at intersections, to look both ways before crossing, and to observe lights and traffic signals.
- Your child should never talk to strangers even if they ask for help or seem nice.
- Your child should never approach or get into a stranger’s car.
- If your child senses danger, he/she should stay calm and get away as quickly as possible.
- If your child has to run, tell him/her to drop his/her school bag or anything else he/she is carrying to run faster.
- If your child encounters someone who makes him/her feel uneasy, he/she should go to one of the closest safe places.
- If a stranger gets too close to your child or tries to grab him/her, tell your child to scream as loud as he/she can, “Help – I don’t know this person!”
- If someone tries to grab hold of your child, tell him/her to fight them off by kicking and hitting.
- If something strange happens, your child should let you and his teachers know right away.
Thank you to the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal.
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