détecteur de fumée | smoke detector

Burn Prevention – Fire

18 December 2008

Smoke detectors

  • Install at least one smoke detector on each floor of your house, including the basement. For added protection, you should also install a smoke detector outside each bedroom.
  • Replace all smoke detectors after 10 years.
  • Change the batteries every 6 months. TIP: use daylight savings time changes as a reminder to change your batteries
  • There are smoke detectors equipped with a lithium battery which last up to 10 years.
  • Test each smoke detector once a month.

In the Kitchen

Cooking is the leading cause of home fires in North America. 

Reduce the chance of starting a kitchen fire by following a few simple rules:

  • Keep flammable objects away from heating sources.
  • If you smell a gas odour coming from the stove when not in use, call your utility company immediately.
  • Towels or wet dishcloths should not be used as potholders. They can heat up very quickly and may catch fire.
  • Turn the panhandles to the centre of the stove so that your child cannot reach them
  • Make sure an adult is always present when children are cooking.
  • Do not let your small child near an open oven door.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and know how to use it.

Electrical Appliances

  • Cover all electrical outlets with protective covers.
  • Do not overload electrical outlets or extension cords.
  • Keep electrical appliances away from sinks and bathtubs.
  • Do not let electrical cords dangle from countertops.
  • Unplug electrical cords and place the appliance in a safe place with the cord out of reach of children after each use.


  • Keep lit candles away from items that can easily catch fire.
  • Place lit candles on a heat resistant surface, in sturdy, non-combustible holders.
  • Avoid carrying lit candles.
  • Keep lit candles in places where they cannot be knocked over.
  • Use lit candles only with constant adult supervision
  • Keep all matches and lighters up high and out of sight and out of reach of your child.
  • Put out the flame when leaving the room or going to sleep.


The temperature of the glass panels in front of the fireplace can get very hot and cause severe burns within seconds of contact. After the fire is turned off, the glass panels can stay very hot for up to 45 minutes.

  • Keep your child away from the fireplace and never leave your child unattended.
  • Install a safety screen or hearth gate in front of the fireplace glass panels.

The Barbecue

  • Never start a gas grill with the lid closed. The propane or gas can accumulate inside and when ignited, could explode and blow the lid off.
  • Do not wear loose clothing while grilling.
  • Do not smoke around the barbecue.
  • Keep your child away from grilling areas at all times. The metal surface of a gas grill may remain hot for a long period of time. 
  • If using a lighter to start the barbecue, keep it out of sight and out of reach of your child.
  • Never add lighter/starter fluid to hot or even warm coals.
  • Make sure to turn off your barbecue when finished cooking.
  • Clean barbecue utensils after each use.
  • Change barbecue cleaning brushes often. The metal bristles of the brush can break off on the grill, end up in the food and be swallowed.


  • Locate your camping stove in an open, well-ventilated area away from your tent, awnings, sleeping bags, dry wood and shrubs.
  • Secure your camping stove on a flat non-flammable surface.
  • Do not use your camping stove as a heater or leave it unattended.

Reviewed by Trauma specialists at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Last updated: March 2020

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