Palliative Care / Pediatric Advanced Care Team
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Palliative Care / Pediatric Advanced Care Team
The Pediatric Advanced Care Team (PACT) and the Palliative Care teams work with a child’s care team to find solutions specific to the child’s needs and help minimize hospital visits.
We can help with:
- Controlling pain and other distressing symptoms
- Streamlining healthcare access in times of crisis
- Making wise treatment decisions
- Finding alternatives to hospital-based care (e.g. The Lighthouse for Children and Families)
Eligible patients
- Pediatric patients diagnosed with serious illnesses such as certain forms of cancer, neurological degenerative diseases, severe cerebral palsy or other genetic diseases.
- Patients who have had complications due to prematurity.
- Patients who have spent extended periods of time in the neonatal or pediatric intensive care units (NICU or PICU).
- Pregnant moms who are carrying a baby with a potentially life-threatening disease.
Let us know when you or your child have other appointments booked at the hospital. We’ll try to schedule all of your appointments for the same day to minimize travel.
Bereavement Services
Bereavement support is available for families who have experienced the death of a child who has received care through the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
We are health care specialists specialized in the care of children with serious advanced illness, sometimes called pediatric palliative care.
Dr. Kyle St-Louis
Margo Miller
Administrative Agent
Vanessa Wrzesien
Nurse Practitioner
Matthew Park
SW Bereavement Follow Up Coordinator
Viviane Fontes de Souza
Nurse Clinician
For adults and family grief
For more information about support groups and other resources : 514-412-4400 ext. 24406