Do’s and don’ts for May 24th, patient move day

Do’s and don’ts for May 24th, patient move day

Moving the Montreal Children’s Hospital is no easy feat. In order to make this once-in-a-lifetime event run as smoothly as possible, the MUHC is asking our patients, their families and the public to follow these simple guidelines on May 24:


  • Follow the instructions given by your child’s healthcare team for patient move day: One parent may ride in the ambulance with their child, except in critical cases. Parents of children in intensive care will not be allowed to travel by ambulance. This is due to the large amount of equipment and personnel needed to transport their child safely.
  • Find out where and when your clinic at the Montreal Children’s Hospital reopens: To find out where your clinic has moved to and when it reopens, visit To find out when your next appointment will take place, call your clinic at 514-412-4400.
  • Find out more about the patient move! If you’re looking for more information or to find out where your clinic has relocated to, please visit our website at for all transfer-related information or call us at 514-412-4400.
  • You can also follow us on social media: FacebookTwitter, Instagram. Remember, the move on May 24 will be covered by lots of media. Tune into your favourite news source for live updates throughout the day.


  • Show up at the Montreal Children’s Hospital at 2300 Tupper Street: The Emergency department will officially close at 5am and Urgences Santé will be redirecting patients to other emergency rooms in Montreal. If you need immediate care, call 9-1-1 or consult the Santé Montréal website to find the closes ER to you. The new Children’s emergency department will officially open at 5am on May 24. However, with all the hustle around patient moves, we strongly recommend that you visit another ER that day.
  • Visit the Glen to see what all the fuss is about: While the Glen will be a bustle of activity with patients being moved in, only authorized individuals or those seeking emergency care will be allowed on site that day. We ask the public to wait until May 25 to start using the Glen for pediatric care services. Visitors for adult patients at the Glen should wait until after 2 p.m. to visit their loved ones in order to facilitate the Montreal Children’s Hospital move to the Glen.
  • Drive by the Glen or the transfer route: The MUHC is working with the Ville de Montreal and local police to ensure the pre-determined route from the Children’s to the Glen site is cleared. While the route won’t be blocked off for traffic, there will be police controlling certain corners to help with traffic flow. The patient transfer is taking place on a Sunday to avoid as many traffic delays as possible and minimize disruption to the local community.
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