It’s really hot! Take special care of young children
29 June 2018
A few tips to protect your child from dehydration during heat waves:
- Give your child something to drink more often:
- A breastfeeding baby should be given the breast more often
- A bottle-fed baby should be given water between bottles
- Cool your child in a tub of warm water several times a day
- Avoid exposing your child to the sun and bringing him or her outdoors between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- If you have to go out, make sure your child is wearing light clothing and cover his or her head with a wide-brimmed hat
- Make sure that there is air circulating around the child’s bed and move the bed away from the wall
Never leave a child alone in a car or a room where there is no air circulating, even for a few minutes.
Signs to watch for in a child that may indicate heat-related illness:
- Wets less than 4 diapers in a 24-hour period
- Urinates less often and urine is dark
- Skin, lips or mouth are dry
- Abnormally agitated or irritable
- Sunken eyes and circles under the eyes
- Sleeps a lot and is hard to awaken
- Difficulty breathing
- Abnormal skin colour, pale or red
- High body temperature, 38.5°C or over (rectal)
- Headaches, vomiting or diarrhoea
If the child shows any of these signs, call Info-Santé by dialing 811 or consult a doctor.
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