
Al-Anon Meetings for friends and family of alcoholics. Provides moral support
- Tel: (514) 866-9803
- Tel: (514) 376-9230
- Tel: (514) 990-4744
- 1 877-612-4744
- Tel: (514) 278-2130
Drogue: Aide et référence (24h)
- Tel: (514) 527-2626
- 1 800-265-2626
Drug Help and Referral – Bilingual helpline offering information and referrals on substance abuse issues
- Tel: (514) 527-2626
- Tel: (514) 484-6666
- Tel: (514) 527-0140
- 1-800-461-0141
- Tel: (514) 249-0555
- 1 800-879-0333
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender hotlines
- Helpline answering questions in English about HIV/AIDS or hepatitis
- Tel: (514) 527-0928
- For French service call Info-SIDA Tel: (514) 521-7432
- Tel: (514) 866-5090
- Helpline offering listening and information on issues related to sexual orientation.
- Tel: (514) 866-0103
- Anonymous & confidential helpline for gay & lesbian youth.
- Tel: (514) 989-4585
Other Helplines
- Prevention, information, and support including helpline and groups for people with eating disorders as well as for people close to them
- Tel: (514) 630-0907
- Tel: (514) 987-8509
Missing Children’s Network
- Tel: (514) 843-4333
Tel-Aide Confidential listeners
- Staffed by volunteers, so if there’s no one there who speaks English, they will refer you to the next shift or try to find someone to help you
- Tel: (514) 935-1101
Parent Helplines
Parents Anonymous
- Offers a listening service for parents having trouble dealing with their children. 24 hours, 7 days a week
- Tel: (514) 288-5555
Parent Helpline (24 hours)
- 1-888-603-9100
- Helpline offering listening & support groups to parents and children
- 1-800-361-5085
Association québécoise de prévention du suicide
- 1 866-277-3553
- Helpline offering listening and crisis intervention with confidentiality for people contemplating suicide and those affected by it.
- Tel: (514) 723-4000
Women Helplines
Centre pour victimes d’agression sexuelle (24h)
- Tel: (514) 934-4504
Montreal Sexual Abuse Helpline
- Tel: (514) 933-9007
SOS Conjugal Violence Helpline
- Listening/referral for victims of domestic violence; services offered to women only.
- 1-800-363-9010
- Listening service and crisis line for women who are victims of sexual aggression. Individual and group follow-up
- Tel: (514) 251-0323
- 1-866-489-1110 or Tel: (514) 489-1110
Youth Helplines
- Tel: (514) 866-9803
Bureau de Consultation de Jeunesse
- Helpline for youth in difficulty who want information or who want to know their rights.
- Tel: (514) 270-9760 or Tel: (514) 274-9887
Face a Face Listening and Referral Center
- Helpline offering listening and information/counselling, housing, welfare for the homeless.
- Tel: (514) 934-4546
- Helpline offering listening & assistance to teens.
- 1-800-668-6868
- 24 hr service offered by the Herzl Family Practice Centre of the Jewish General Hospital dealing with everything from birth control, STIs and pregnancy to family conflicts and abuse
- For teens 13 to 19 years old
- Tel: (514) 340-8242
Tel-Jeunes Hotline for under-20 year olds
- Tel: (514) 288-1444