MD, MSc, FRCFC, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
I love working with children and their families because they make my work worthwhile. Children are genuine. A smile or a “high-five” from one of my patients makes my day.
McGill University- B.Sc. Honours Biochemistry (1995)
Medical Degree
McGill University- MD,CM (1999)
McGill University- General Pediatrics (1999-2003)
McGill University- Pediatric Gastroenterology (2002-2006) University of Pittsburgh- Fellowship in Pancreatology (2005)
Pediatric Pancreatology Esophageal Reflux Portal Hypertension Biliary atresia
1. Morinville VD, Husain SZ, Bai H, Barth B, Alhosh R, Durie PR, Freedman SD, Himes R, Lowe ME, Pohl J, Werlin S, Wilschanski M, Uc A; on behalf of the INSPPIRE Group. Definitions of Pediatric Pancreatitis And Survey Of Current Clinical Practices: Report From Insppire (International Study Group Of Pediatric Pancreatitis: In Search For A Cure). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2012 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Altit G, Patel H, Morinville VD. Octreotide management of intestinal lymphangiectasia in a teenage heart transplant patient. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2012 Jun; 54(6): 824-7.
3. Gana JC, Turner D, Mieli-Vergani G, Davenport M, Miloh T, Avitzur Y, Yap J, Morinville V, Brill H, Ling SC. A clinical prediction rule and platelet count predict esophageal varices in children. Gastroenterology. 2011 Dec;141(6):2009-16. Epub 2011 Sep 16.
4. Morinville VD, Barmada MM, Lowe ME. Increasing incidence of acute pancreatitis at an American pediatric tertiary care center: is greater awareness among physicians responsible? Pancreas. 2010 Jan; 39(1):5-8.
MD, MSc, FRCFC, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
MD, FRCPC, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
MD, MSc, FRCPC, Pediatric Gastroenterologist
M.D., FRCP. Pediatric Gastroenterologist