Your stay at the MCH

Overnight stay at the hospital
If your child is being admitted for an operation or procedure and will stay overnight at the hospital, you should first go to the Admitting Office near the main entrance to sign forms for admission and consent for treatment and tests.
The admitting staff will verify your contact information and give you an identification bracelet for your child to wear while in hospital. Once the admission process is complete, you can bring your child to the ward where you will meet your nurse and other members of the healthcare team.
Parents are encouraged to take part in their child’s care. You may stay overnight and sleep on the sofa in your child’s room for the duration of their stay at the MCH.
Each inpatient floor has a family room for you and other family members to use while visiting your child. The rooms have a kitchenette, appliances and lounge chairs. If you come to the hospital after 8 p.m., Security staff will ask you for identification. This is done for the safety of all hospitalized children to make sure only staff, patients and parents are in the hospital overnight.
Hotel accommodations
The MCH has an agreement with a nearby hotel to offer preferred rates to immediate family who live outside the Montreal area. For more information, ask your child’s nurse who will refer you to the hospital’s Social Services department or call 514-412-4400, ext. 24455.
For a complete list of accommodations in and around Montreal:
Regular hospital visiting hours are daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. A maximum of four people can visit your child at any given time. If your child is in one of the intensive care units, the maximum number of visitors is two people at any given time. In general, children under 12 years old may visit a patient but they must be accompanied by a parent. Ask your child’s nurse if visitors under the age of 12 are allowed to visit your child.
In-room safety
- The side rails on cribs and beds should be raised when your child is not being watched. Children three years of age and younger will be placed in a crib; if they can stand up, there will be a dome placed over the crib.
- It is mandatory to fasten safety straps on strollers, wheelchairs or baby chairs if using these while in the hospital.
- To ensure your child’s safety and the safety of all patients, medications are kept at the nursing station instead of at the patient’s bedside.
- You are not allowed to sleep on your child’s bed. As well, your child is not allowed to sleep on the sofa, which is for parents only.
- Do not leave valuables (wallet, personal items) behind when you leave your child’s room.
- Certain areas such as supply rooms, medication rooms and nursing stations are for staff use only.
- Please put a cover on cups containing hot beverages and keep them out of children’s reach. Do not place any beverages on medical equipment.
- Only staff members are allowed to operate medical equipment. Please do not press any of the buttons on the machines.
- Parents are not permitted to carry their child to another area of the hospital for tests or procedures. Staff will help arrange for a wheelchair or have your child moved while still in bed.
While at the hospital, please supervise your child at all times and advise a member of your child’s care team if you have to leave the floor. If you want to take your child to another part of the hospital, discuss this with your child’s nurse. Siblings must be supervised at all times and are the responsibility of parents.
Going home
Your child’s doctor or nurse will let you know when your child is ready to go home. Before leaving the hospital please make sure you have:
- Information and/or written instructions on how to give your child any treatment or medication they will need
- Prescriptions for medication your child may need
- Information on how to make a follow-up appointment
- Your child’s hospital and medicare cards
We believe children are happier and recover faster at home, so we provide many types of care and treatment on an outpatient basis.
Infection control and patient safety
Helping your toddler sleep in a hospital crib
Welcome Guide