Anorexia and Bulimia
7 November 2006
Anorexia is characterized by an intense fear of putting on weight, an obsession with thinness and refusing to eat. Anorexia patients see themselves as fat and will do anything to avoid putting on weight. They will take necessary measures to avoid meals.
Patients suffering from bulimia eat substantial quantities of food, and then avoid putting on weight by induced throwing up, purging, fasting and intense exercise.
Frequently, these diseases come together with other psychological troubles such as depression, anxiety, obsession and low self-esteem.
Among factors that cause eating disorders, a specific genetic component has been identified as well a hereditary factor. Sometimes one of the parents has or has had an eating disorder of some kind.
A person who sets extreme discipline goals usually has personality traits such as perseverance, ambition, obsession and perfectionism.
Traumatic personal experiences such as aggression, moral or physical violence, sexual harassment or assault, break-ups or a very rigid and strict family context can also be factors.
Society and its cult of thinness is another factor. Magazines that feature the skinniest models, actresses, singers and fashion itself give the message that thin is beautiful.
It has been noted that some environments such as girls’ schools or the entertainment business, and sports like gymnastics, swimming, diving can also influence the emergence of eating disorders.
What are the warning signs you should look for
People suffering from eating disorders show certain changes in their behavior. Be aware of the following signs:
- Change in eating habits (cutoff desserts and high-fat food; count calories).
- Find excuses to avoid eating with family: “I ate already”, “I’m really not hungry”, “I will eat later”.
- Fluctuation in body weight (bulimia).
- Long periods of time in the bathroom with a background of running water.
- Working too hard on school projects and homework. Extreme will to perform.
- Isolation.
- Sleeping problems.
- Intensive training.
Parent’s role
Your attitude can influence a fragile child. Your role is crucial.
- Don’t criticize your child’s body or pay too much attention to other peoples appearance.
- Don’t condemn high-fat or high-calorie food.
- Talk about healthy eating and benefits of exercise instead.
- Don’t use food to get your child to do something.
- Look at your own eating habits.
- Explain to your children the dangers of dieting.
- Be sensitive to your children’s role models (actresses, models) and explain that they are not an absolute ideal.
- Give them time.
- Make dinner time a family activity that you enjoy
If you think that your child suffers from an eating disorder it is essential that you discuss it, even if it’s difficult. These disorders can have a significant effect on your child’s health. They can result in hair loss, and can slow metabolism, affect the thyroid gland, and stop menstruation. They can also contribute to exhaustion, heart disease, anemia and osteoporosis. Eating disorders are even fatal (20 percent of patients die from eating disorders).
If you suspect an eating disorder, you need to deal with it by talking to your child. Most of them won’t seek help by themselves. You must seek professional help.
10-01-06 The Montreal Children’s Hospital