Image d'une personne passant la tondeuse | Image of a person mowing a lawn


10 January 2009

Many people do not realize the potential hazards of power equipment such as lawnmowers. 

When using a lawnmower, remember to…

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper use.
  • Make sure young children are far away from a lawnmower in use. 
  • Children less than 13 years of age should not be operating a lawnmower.
  • Wear closed footwear and safety glasses.
  • Remove all material such as rocks, sticks and toys from the area to be mowed, as injuries can occur from flying debris.
  • Make sure that the lawnmower has a feature that stops the motor when the handle is released.
  • If you are backing up, make sure to look behind you first. 
  • Make sure to refuel the lawn mower and weed eater when the motor is turned off and has cooled down.

Feature article

Lawnmower-related injuries in childrenPediatrics, Amercican Academy of Pediatrics

Reviewed by Trauma specialists at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
Last updated: May 2020

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