A young patient shares her experience in her new blog

A young patient shares her experience in her new blog

19 January 2015

Maude Poirier is many different things. Like many young girls her age, she’s a teenager, a daughter, and a sister. She’s also a dedicated athlete and a loyal friend. But you may be surprised to learn that she’s also a cancer patient, currently undergoing treatment and follow up at both at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and the Centre hospitalier de l’Université Laval (CHUL). And despite this last detail, she remains resilient, thoughtful and open. She recently began to share her experience in her new blog, simply titled ‘Maude’. We DARE you to read it and not be inspired 🙂 And while you’re at it, let’s send Maude some hugs and high fives – she just finished a round of 5 days of chemo, and is still smiling!

Blog link: http://maudepoirier.simplesite.com/413739704

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