Ashton celebrates being medication-free

Ashton celebrates being medication-free

18 June 2015

Ready for the greatest news you’ve read about all day? Today we’re introducing you to 13-year old Ashton and his physician, Dr. Sarah Campillo, as they celebrate an amazing milestone in his life: being medication-free for the first time in over 4 years!

Ashton and his mother, Norine, learned the news during a recent follow-up visit in the Rheumatology clinic at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, where he has been followed since September 2011 for a very rare condition called juvenile dermatomyositis. “Ashton has an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the muscles and skin, and if left untreated, can lead to muscle damage,” explains Dr. Campillo, pediatric rheumatologist. “When I first met him over 4 years ago, his condition required close monitoring and a variety of medications, from steroids and other medications given in injection and pill forms,” she explains.

While treatment through medication helps control symptoms of the disease, it can also come with some unpleasant side effects. The news of no longer having to take any medication for the foreseeable future was therefore a huge feat for Ashton and his mom Norine. “I literally cried when she said no more meds,” says Norine. “It was a happy day for me.”

For her part, Dr. Campillo says she was equally excited to be able to share such great news with Ashton and Norine. “We love sharing great news!” she says, “It makes all of us smile!”

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