Prevent summer injuries: top tips to stay safe
18 June 2024
Welcome to the Montreal Children's Hospital
13 November 2015
Montreal hospitals face higher-than-normal patient volumes in emergency rooms over the Holidays.
If you or a loved one develops symptoms of the flu, gastroenteritis or a fever:
Typical flu symptoms such as mild to moderate fever, sore throat, muscle aches and pains, as well as coughing and sneezing can often be treated at home with plenty of fluids and lots of rest.
The same can be said for gastroenteritis: viral gastroenteritis is thoroughly unpleasant and can be alarming when your or a family member is suffering miserably, but the key to recovery is staying well hydrated. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids, and if vomiting is frequent, introduce small amounts of fluids at a time on a frequent basis. This is especially important with younger children and infants. With adequate hydration, gastroenteritis usually resolves itself over a few days. Gastroenteritis is rarely dangerous and if you want a fighting chance against it, remember to wash your hands often!
If you have symptoms of the seasonal flu or stomach flu, avoid spreading the virus by staying home until your symptoms have cleared up for at least 24 hours.
It’s especially important to avoid visiting babies, elderly individuals or people who are sick or hospitalized when you have symptoms of gastroenteritis or the flu. Because of their weakened immune systems, people in these more vulnerable population groups can risk developing serious complications from these viruses.
If you have more questions or concerns about where to seek care for your child, visit the following websites: