Before heading to the emergency room for fever, gastroenteritis or mild flu symptoms

Before heading to the emergency room for fever, gastroenteritis or mild flu symptoms

8 February 2016

The emergency department should be reserved for children who are seriously sick or injured.

We recommend a trip to the emergency in the following cases:

  • Your child is having trouble breathing (for example, he is breathing faster than normal; he is pale; his lips turn white or blue; he is coughing non-stop, choking or breathing irregularly).
  • Your child is hurt and may have a broken bone or need stitches.
  • Your child hurt himself and is now vomiting.
  • Your infant (under three months old) has a fever over 38°C or 100.4°F.
  • Your child is feverish and drowsy, and you are having trouble waking him up.
  • Your child has a rash and his skin doesn’t turn white if you press on it.
  • Your child is vomiting and has diarrhea, is not producing tears, has a very dry mouth and has not urinated more than 2-3 times in the last 24 hours.

Parents are urged to consult their pediatrician or family doctor for anything other than a true emergency (as described above).

For the locations of these clinics or to speak to a nurse 24/7 about your child’s medical condition, call Info-Santé at 8-1-1.

For the operating hours of network clinics and Montréal-area Health and Social Service Centres, go to the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal website

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