Prevent summer injuries: top tips to stay safe
18 June 2024
Welcome to the Montreal Children's Hospital
14 May 2014
On Thursday, May 29, 2014 tune in to Bell Media’s CJAD 800, Virgin Radio 96, CHOM 97.7 and TSN 690 for the Caring for Kids Radiothon. Broadcast live from the Hospital cafeteria, the Radiothon is a unique opportunity for dozens of young patients and their families to share remarkable stories of how their lives have been touched by The Children’s.
When you join the Circle of Hugs with a monthly contribution of $20 or more, you become part of a group of dedicated donors whose steady support helps The Children’s purchase medical equipment, pursue innovative research, and fund special programs. The consistent support provided by the Circle of Hugs also allows our Hospital to better plan for future needs, secure in the knowledge that a steady flow of funding will be available.
Join the Circle of Hugs now with a monthly donation of $20 or more!
As a member of the Circle of Hugs, you will receive exclusive updates on the stories you heard during the Caring for Kids Radiothon, as well as a subscription to le Children magazine.
If you already support The Children’s with a monthly donation, please consider increasing your pledge – by as little as $2 a month. Even a small increase can make a huge difference!
Should you choose to increase your monthly donation before May 29 we will be happy to deliver a stuffed toy to a young patient on your behalf on Radiothon Day. So please don’t wait – increase your gift now!
We need your help! Be an ambassador for the cause by registering online to start your own official Radiothon fundraising page, then email your friends, family and co-workers to ask them to make a donation to the Caring for Kids Radiothon! SIGN UP NOW
The Caring for Kids Radiothon’s success depends on the generosity of our donors and corporate partners. In that spirit, we are extending the Radiothon into the community at large through an initiative called Spirit of Radiothon Week. We are appealing to restaurants, retailers and companies to join us the week of May 27 and take part in this exciting event. There are so many ways to get involved: you can donate a percentage of total sales on a given day to the Radiothon, or give an amount on the sale of a menu or specialty item. You can choose one day of Spirit Week, or all five days. We are open to your suggestions! For more information, contact Janice Nault at [email protected].
On behalf of all the young patients who shared their stories during the Caring for Kids Radiothon on May 30, 2013, thank you for your generous support.
The Radiothon is a unique event that brings our community together to help sick children and save lives. Every dollar pledged adds up to a remarkable total. The funds raised in one day help the Montreal Children’s Hospital provide world-class care throughout the year.
Funds raised at last year’s Radiothon were used to:
… just to name a few. Whether you are new to the Circle of Hugs or a longstanding member, the impact of your generosity is felt throughout the hospital, in every department, on every floor and in the smiles of the young patients whose lives you have touched.