Jaxon heads home

Jaxon heads home

3 February 2017

Jaxon is a little champ, and was finally able to head home after a long hospitalization that included two cardiac surgeries and extended stays in the Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care Units. “Jaxon was born on December 16th, 2016 and was transferred to the Children’s within the first few hours of his life,” says his mom, Chanelle. “We quickly discovered he had a number of severe cardiac malformations and at just 12 hours old, he underwent a first surgery that helped him survive long enough to undergo open heart surgery on December 23rd, 2016. The operation, performed by Dr. Christo Tchervenkov, lasted 13 hours. Doctors delayed the closure of his sternum and closed it a week later, on December 30th, 2016. The Children’s team did an outstanding job. In addition to saving our child’s life, they provided us with incredible support! We are eternally grateful.” Join us in wishing Jaxon and his family a great transition home! 

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