Making headlines: bone marrow donation

Making headlines: bone marrow donation

22 October 2014

The topic of bone marrow donation is an important one. This week, it made headlines when 9-year-old Montreal Children’s Hospital patient Jean-Gilles Gadoury’s story and his search for a compatible donor was shared via social media. Fortunately, as Jean-Gilles’ mother confirmed last night via Facebook, he has since found two compatible umbilical cords and a compatible bone marrow donor.

The Montreal Children’s Hospital and Héma-Québec work closely together whenever a child might need a bone marrow transplant to find compatible donors. Together, we wish to underline the importance of donor registries in helping hundreds of patients awaiting transplants find donors.

Becoming a bone marrow donor is a serious commitment but an altruistic act that can save lives. Keep in mind that:

Thank you for helping us transplant hope to patients and families. For more information on bone marrow donations, visit Héma Québec’s website:

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