Patient transfer FAQs

Patient transfer FAQs

Why move everyone in one day?

In order to safely move our patients into a new facility, we must operate two fully-functioning hospitals. The logistics, number of staff, and operating costs required to make this happen means condensing patient transfer activities in one day, as this is the most efficient and safest way to go.

Are family members allowed to travel with their child by ambulance?

One parent may ride in the ambulance with their child, except in critical cases. Parents of children in intensive care will not be allowed to travel by ambulance. This is due to the large amount of equipment and personnel needed to transport their child safely.

When will family be allowed to visit their loved ones at the new hospital?

Parents not traveling by ambulance will be greeted at the new hospital by a social worker or volunteer. They will be escorted to their child’s new room once he/she is settled in.

What if a patient is too unstable to be transferred?

If a patient is deemed too unstable to travel at their designated time, their transfer can be pushed back to later in the day. Keep in mind that all patients will be accompanied by at least one member of their medical team in the ambulance.

When will the new hospital be fully functional?

All urgent activities will begin at 5:00 a.m. at the new Children’s. The Emergency Department, Medical Imaging, two ORs, labs and Admitting will be functional. This will be followed by the official opening of all inpatient wards at 7:00 a.m. 

For more information, consult our patient transfer document.

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