Privacy Notice


The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) is committed to safeguarding your privacy and handling your personal information responsibly. This notice describes how we handle your personal information collected through technology.

Collection and use of personal information

When you interact with our websites, we may collect certain information, such as device details, browsing activities and general location data. The information we collect helps us to improve our services and website performance. In general, this information does not include personally identifiable information. However, when you choose to fill out a form and send us a request for a medical appointment, your résumé – or in the case of other types of forms – the following information may be collected and used: first and last name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address, health insurance card number and expiry date, hospital’s medical file number, name of the referring physician, information contained on the referral, relationship to the patient (for pediatric patients), information contained on the résumé, etc. In addition, the use of personal information collected is limited to the purpose for which it was collected.

Methods of collecting personal information

We use cookies, small files stored on your device, to enhance your browsing experience. Additionally, activity logs help us monitor and maintain our systems.

Data usage

The information we collect assists us in improving our services and website performance. It does not include personally identifiable details.

Third-party sharing

On occasion, we may share data with third-party services like Google Analytics to track the performance of our various content and to understand the behaviour of users of our websites to ensure continuous improvement of the browsing experience. These parties may store information outside of Quebec.

User choices
You have the option to accept or decline cookies when visiting our website. Certain cookies are essential for site functionality, while others help us optimize user experience. These cookies can be deleted when you clear your browser history.

Change or withdraw your consent

Data protection measures

The MUHC is responsible for protecting the personal information it holds. As such, we implement various measures to protect your personal information to ensure that access, disclosure and use are compliant, such as

  • Access is restricted to designated MUHC personnel with specifically defined job responsibilities. Those who may have access include employees and relevant managers from the following departments and teams:
    • Communications, IT Services, Security, Complaints Officer, Clinical Teams, Human Resources, Patient Partnerships
  • Access is via a secure area that forms part of the facility’s IT system, which has been certified by the Bureau de certification et d’homologation du Québec.
  • Computer access to the facility’s secure system is also logged, and is only possible with unique user authentication.
  • Application of internal governance rules on the protection of personal information.
  • Staff training and awareness on privacy and information security.

External websites

This notice applies solely to our websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of external sites linked from ours.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this notice, a complaint about your personal information, or if you wish to access or rectify your personal information, please visit the Medical Archives page.

Notice updates

We reserve the right to update this notice as necessary. Any changes will be communicated on our website.

Effective date
This policy is effective as of April 30, 2024.

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