Specialized schools

A Pas de Géant/Giant Steps School
- Tel: (514) 935-1911
- http://www.giantstepsmontreal.com/index/page/
École de L’Étincelle – Commission Scolaire de Montreal
- Tel: (514) 596-4800
- http://www.csdm.qc.ca/RechercheEtablissement/870215.aspx
École le Sommet/Summit School – School for children with developmental disabilities
- Tel: (514) 744-2867
- http://www.summit-school.com/News_And_Events.html
École Peter Hall School
- For children with intellectual disabilities, students with pervasive developmental disorders, or with psychopathological disorders
- Tel: (514) 748-6727
- http://www.peterhall.qc.ca/
École REACH School (St-Lambert)
- Tel: (450) 671-1649
- http://www.rsb.qc.ca/?664AB942-3DB0-4AD7-97AE-7F60DA6C71AD
École Saint-Enfant de Jésus – visual and hearing impairments
- Tel: (514) 350-8846
- http://www2.csdm.qc.ca/st-enfant-jesus/
École Vanguard School
- Tel: (514) 747-5500
- http://www.vanguardquebec.qc.ca/
MAB-Mackay – for children with language and motor delay
- Tel: (514) 482-0500
- http://www2.csdm.qc.ca/st-enfant-jesus/
Options 1 and II – EMSB
- Tel: (514) 769-9130 (Option I)
- Tel: (514) 769-7524 (Option II)
- http://www.emsb.qc.ca/en/schools_en/pages/outreach.asp?id=61
Pat Roberts Developmental Center (St-Geneviève)
- Tel: (514) 696-5144
- http://www.wiaih.qc.ca/new/files/Brochure%20PRC%202009%20-%20Bilingual.pdf
St-Raphael School – English Montreal School Board
- For children with behavioral issues
- Tel: (514) 381-0811
- http://www.emsb.qc.ca/en/schools_en/pages/highschool.asp?id=200
Venture High School
- Tel: (514) 768-1398
- http://www.emsb.qc.ca/en/schools_en/pages/outreach.asp?id=71
Vezina School Montreal
- Tel: (514) 482-6964
- http://www.emsb.qc.ca/en/schools_en/pages/outreach.asp?id=72
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