Aurore Côté

Respiratory Medicine / Pulmonology

I like working with children and their families because nothing gives you more hope in the future than their resilience.

Hospital information

Academic appointments

Member, Respiratory Medicine Division; Director, Pediatric Network; Director Apnea and Infant Respiratory Clinic

Other appointments

Public Health Agency of Canada, Board member, American Association of Pediatric Sleep Specialist

Awards and distinctions

Faculty Honour List for Educational Excellence, 2003; Leadership Award of Excellence, 2009; Director General’s Award, 2010; Best Care for Life Award, 2012



Laval University

Medical Degree

Laval University


Pediatrics at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de l’Université Laval and Hôpital Ste-Justine


Montreal Children’s Hospital (Clinical); Columbia University, New York City (Research)

Fun fact about me

I love cooking and making elaborate meals for friends and family.


Research interests

Epidemiology of sudden unexpected deaths in infancy; Obstructive sleep apnea in children; Organisation of Health Services

Selected publications

  1. Côté A. Home monitoring for home ventilated children. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. Suppl on Home medical ventilation for children, Best practice guidelines from the Canadian Thoracic Society  2018, vol. 2, no. S1, 23–27.
  1. Côté A. Outpatient follow-up for home ventilated children. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. Suppl on Home medical ventilation for children, Best practice guidelines from the Canadian Thoracic Society  2018, vol. 2, no. S1, 27-30.
  1. Almajed A, Viezel-Mathieu A, Gilardino MS,  Flores RL, Tholpady SS and Côté A.  Outcome Following Surgical Interventions for Micrognathia in Infants with Pierre Robin Sequence: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Cleft Palate Craniofacial J, 2017; 54 (1), 32-42
  1. Carlos C, Hageman J, Pellerite M, McEntire B, Côté A. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit discharge of infants with cardiorespiratory events: Tri-country comparison of academic centers. J Neonat-Perinal Med 2015; 8 :307-311
  1. Taylor BJ, GarstangJ, Engelberts A, Obonai T, Cote A, Freemantle J, Vennemann M, Healey M, Sidebotham P, Mitchell EA, MoonRY. International Comparison of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy rates using a newly proposed set of cause-of-death codes. Arch Dis Child, 2015;100(11):1018-23.