MDCM, FRCPC, Pediatric Respirologist
Welcome to the Montreal Children's Hospital
Respiratory Medicine / Pulmonology
I love working with children and their families because I enjoy listening to all the giggling.
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
B.Sc., Mathematics Major, Biology Minor, McGill University; PhD, Medical Sciences, McMaster University
Medical Degree
McGill University
Pediatrics, Montreal Children’s Hospital
Pediatric Pulmonology, Montreal Children’s Hospital
I have a comic book collection.
Children with lung diseases, such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, have excessive inflammation in their lungs. This often limits their ability to be physically active. I study how to calm down lung inflammation, boost immune defences, and improve physical performance. In our laboratory we are attempting to increase natural immunity to respiratory viral infections, to prevent people with chronic lung disease from becoming sicker when they catch a cold. In clinical research we are examining a new technique to measure lung function in young infants known as oscillometry. We continue to study exercise ability and the factors limiting exercise in children with chronic disease.
Cystic fibrosis (CF), asthma, immune modulation, physical activity, translational research
Dauletbaev N, Cammisano M (S), Herscovitch K (S), Lands LC. Targeted stimulation of antiviral interferon-beta in airway epithelial cells and macrophages with minimal concomitant inflammation. J Immunol 195(6):2829-41, 2015.
Dauletbaev N, Das M (S), Cammisano M (S), Koi C, Leigh R, Beaudoin T, Rousseau S, Lands LC. Viral load is high despite preserved interferon-beta response in rhinovirus-infected CF cells. PLoS ONE November 23; 10(11):e0143129. 2015.
Mak, DYF, Sykes J, Stephenson AL, Lands LC. The benefits of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: The Canadian Experience. J CF 2016 May;15(3):302-8.
Hebestreit H, Hulzebos EH, Schneiderman JE, Karila C, Boas SR, Kriemler S, Dwyer T, Sahlberg M, Urquhart DS, Lands LC, Ratjen F, Takken T, Varanistkaya L, Rücker V, Hebestreit A, Usemann J, Radtke T. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing provides additional prognostic information in cystic fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019;199(8):987-995.
Middleton PG, Mall MA, Dřevínek P, Lands LC, McKone EF, Polineni D, Ramsey BW, Taylor-Cousar JL, Tullis E, Vermeulen F, Marigowda G, McKee CM, Moskowitz SM, Nair N, Savage J, Simard C, Tian S, Waltz D, Xuan F, Rowe SM, Jain R; VX17-445-102 Study Group. Elexacaftor-Tezacaftor-Ivacaftor for Cystic Fibrosis with a Single Phe508del Allele. N Engl J Med. 2019 Nov 7;381(19):1809-1819.