Jenny Bellerose


I enjoy working with children and their families because it always brightens my day!



Concordia University, Psychology (Honours)

Université de Montréal, Ph. D., Clinical Neuropsychology


Neuropsychology rotations in the following services/departments:

Neurology/Neurosurgery Service, CHUM

Psychiatry, Pavillon Albert Prévost, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal

Psychology rotation:

Annexe La Passerelle (Centre de réadaptation Marie-Enfant du CHU Sainte-Justine)


Fun fact about me

I love gardening! Beautiful summer 2018 led to a record harvest: 380 tomatoes and 80 cucumbers!


Selected publications

Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, MH. (2017). Long-term brain-injury-specific effects following preschool mild TBI: A study of theory of mind. Neuropsychology, 31(3), 229-241.

Bellerose, J., Neugnot-Cerioli, M., Bédard, K., Brunel-Guitton, C., Mitchell, GA., Ospina, LH., & Beauchamp, MH. (2016). A highly diverse portrait: Heterogeneity of neuropsychological profiles in cblC defect. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease Reports, 29, 19-32.

Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, MH. (2015). When injury clouds understanding of others: Theory of mind after mild TBI in preschool children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 21(7), 483-493.