Ph.D, Psychologist
I like working with children and their families because helping families to understand their child’s development and neuropsychological profile better is very rewarding.
NSERC Graduate Scholarship (2014-2017)
Université de Montréal, B.Sc., Psychology
Université de Montréal, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychology
I’m a die-hard Montréal Canadiens fan and also a badminton coach.
Brain lesions, neurodevelopmental disorders, social cognition, clinical neuropsychology.
Chiasson, V., Elkaim, L., Weil, A.G., Crevier, L., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Moral Reasoning in Children with Focal Brain Insults to Frontotemporal Regions. Brain Impairment, 18(1), 102-116.
Chiasson, V., Vera, E., Lalonde, G., Dooley, J., & Beauchamp, M. (2017). Assessing social cognition: Age-Related changes in Moral Reasoning in Childhood and Adolescence. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 31(3), 515-530.
Ansado, J., Chiasson, V., & Beauchamp, M. (2014). Croissance cérébrale et neurodéveloppement à l’adolescence. In Psychologie de l’adolescence : Perspectives scientifiques actuelles, Claes, M. & Lannegrand-Willems, L. (Dir.), Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Québec.
Ph.D, Psychologist
M.Ps., D.Ps., Pediatric Psychologist
PhD., Pediatric Psychologist, Professional Practice Leader
Ph.D., Neuropsychologist
(Sepi) Ph.D., Pediatric Clinical Psychologist
Ph.D., Pediatric Psychologist
PhD, Neuropsychologist
Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Ph.D., Psy.D., Psychologist
Ph.D., Pediatric Psychologist