Connie Scuccimarri


I love working with children and their families because they continue to teach me about human resilience and the power of love.

Community Involvement

Volunteer – West Island Mission



McGill University, B.A. Psychology

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Ph.D. Clinical Child Psychology 


Montreal Children’s Hospital, May-August 1997

Jewish General Hospital, September 1997-June 1998


Fun fact about me

I enjoy spending time with my family and my friends. I especially love travelling, cooking, volunteering, skating and swimming with them. Jumps and cuddles from my dog after work makes me smile and laugh every day!


Selected publications

Scuccimarri, C. & Browne, C. (2013). Autism Spectrum Disorders: What I need to know about my child’s care. Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Centre, Department of Psychology. Working document.

Pomerleau, A., Scuccimarri, C., & Malcuit, G. (2003). Mother-infant behavioral interactions in teenage and adult mothers during the first six months postpartum: Relations with infant development. Infant Mental Health Journal, 24(5), 495-509.