Gabrielle Lalonde


I love working with children and their families because I like to help them better understand their strengths and their daily challenges.



B.Sc. Psychology

Ph.D. – Clinical Neuropsychology option


Montreal Children’s Hospital

Montreal General Hospital

Centre de réadaptation Marie-Enfant du CHU Ste-Justine


Fun fact about me

I like outdoor activities like canoe camping.


Selected publications

Lalonde, G., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2019). Factors contributing to parent-child interaction quality following mild traumatic brain injury in early childhood. Journal of neuropsychology, Early online publication.

Lalonde, G., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2018). Investigating social functioning after early mild TBI: The quality of parent–child interactions. Journal of neuropsychology, 12(1), 1-22.

Lalonde, G., Henry, M., Drouin-Germain, A., Nolin, P., & Beauchamp, M. H. (2013). Assessment of executive function in adolescence: A comparison of traditional and virtual reality tools. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 219(1), 76-82.