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Anyone with a cat is familiar with hairballs. But did you know humans can develop them too? That is because human hair is highly resistant to digestive acids. While rare, those who excessively nibble on their hair risk having it buildup in their stomach or digestive tract. The resulting hairball can grow large enough to cause blockages, leading to pain and digestive issues. In severe cases, a hairball can lead to complications like malnutrition, infections, or even blood infections. Surgery may be required to remove the hairball.
In psychological terms, eating hair is classified as a body-focused repetitive behaviour (BFRB), basically a “bad habit”. It is an unintentional activity that is difficult to stop.
“Most of the time, children and teens mindlessly engage in BFRBs like chewing their hair, biting their nails, chewing the inside of their lip or even cracking their knuckles,” explains Dr. Catherine Serra Poirier, a psychologist at The Montreal Children’s Hospital. “Why we form BFRBs is unknown, but the likely reason is anxiety. We know during periods of high stress, like going back to school or exam time, our BFRBs may ramp up.”
Dr. Serra Poirier explains most BFRBs are harmless. However, in rare instances, they can interfere with a child’s day-to-day life and even make them very sick. One of her key tips for breaking a “bad habit” is to replace it with a harmless activity.
If your child has developed a repetitive bad habit that can be harmful, it is crucial to address the behaviour early, before the behaviour begins to affect their health and well-being.
Dr. Serra Poirier offers tips to parents if they notice their child is engaging in a BFRB:
By addressing BFRBs early and supporting your child, you can help them develop healthier ways of coping with stress and anxiety and prevent the development of serious health issues like hairballs. However, when a BFRB starts to cause significant distress and impacts your child health and wellbeing, it’s time to see a professional such as a psychologist.