First National Conference on Leukodystrophies

First National Conference on Leukodystrophies

4 August 2016

Leukodystrophies are a group of rare progressive genetic diseases that affect the brain and sometimes the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Each type of leukodystrophy is caused by a specific genetic abnormality that leads the abnormal development or destruction of the white matter (myelin) in the brain. To raise awareness and share knowledge about these diseases, we invite you to join us for an educational conference on leukodystrophies on September 16th, 17th and 18th, 2016 at the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the McGill University Centre health (MUHC).

Objective: Jointly organized by Dre. Genevieve Bernard, the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and the Leukodystrophy Foundation, this conference aims to provide attendees with relevant information on leukodystrophies through workshops and presentations. A number of specialists will be present to share their knowledge on topics such as the complex management of this disease, impaired motor function, the transition to adult care and other issues of importance to patients, families and health professionals. There will also be a clinic that will offer private consultations and provide opportunities for patients and families to meet with several specialists on site.

Please consult the conference program to get details about topics and speakers

Registration: the cost of this conference is $50 for adults and $25 for students, payable by cheque or credit card. Please download and complete the following PDF form to register to confirm your registration.

*Patients and families may benefit from a special rate, please contact us for more information prior to registering.

Deadline to register: September 15, 2016


  • Dr. Geneviève Bernard, Montreal Children’s Hospital : 514-412-4400 ext.  23380
  • Josée Della Rocca, Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation : 514-934-4846 ext. 29228


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