Catherine Serra Poirier


I love working with children and their families because children and teenagers help me see things from a whole new perspective and I get to learn and be creative!



Psy.D., Ph.D, Université du Québec à Montréal


Montreal Children’s Hospital


Fun fact about me

I love gardening! So much so, that I don’t have enough room at my place for all my plants so I have to “board” them with my relatives!


Research interests

Child and adolescent development

Selected publications

Friendship experiences and anxiety among children: a genetically informed study (2016). Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology; vol. 45, no 5, p. 655-667

Contagion of Anxiety Symptoms Among Adolescent Siblings: A Twin Study (2016). Journal of Research on Adolescent; vol 27, issue 1, p. 65-77