MD, MSc(Epi), FRCPC, Pediatric Endocrinologist
Endocrinology and Metabolism
I love working with children and their families because It’s the best job in the world.
Founding member and steering committee, TROPIC (pediatric wing of Canadian Obesity network) and Annual symposium of the pediatric diabetes caregivers meeting-Organizing committee
MIAM community based lifestyle modification program-developer
Biology, Université de Montréal
Medical Degree
Université de Montréal
Ste. Justine Hospital, Université de Montréal; Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University; CHUQ, Université Laval
Ste-Justine Hospital, Université de Montréal
I play hockey every week.
Artificial pancreas Type 1 and 2 diabetes prevention; Obesity co-morbidities in pediatrics
EF Gregory, DL Crouse, P Khrisnamoorthy and L.Legault, Type 1 vs. Type 2 Diabetes: Socioeconomic Differences in a Pediatric Population in Montreal., Can J of Diabetes, Dec 2010, 34 (4), 340-345
Gallo S., Meltzer S, Legault L and Egeland G, Plasma fatty acids desaturase activity predict serum adiponectin in healthy female adolescents, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., May 2010; 95: 2410 – 2417 15.
Venik K, , Cuthbertson D, Boulware D , Beam CA, Rodriguez H, Legault L, Rewers M , Schatz DA and Krischer JP, on behalf of the TEDDY, TRIGR, DPT-1 and TrialNet Natural History Study Groups, Performance of Hemoglobin HbA1c as a Diagnostic Indicator of Early Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Youth, accepted for publication, Diabetes care 2012
MD, MSc(Epi), FRCPC, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, PhD, MMSc, F.R.C.P Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD FRCPC Associate Director of Pediatric Endocrinology
,M.D.C.M., F.R.C.P.C., Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, M.Sc., FRCP, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, FRCPC, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, FRCP, Pediatrician, Pediatric Endocrinologist