MD, PhD, MMSc, F.R.C.P Pediatric Endocrinologist
Endocrinology and Metabolism
I love working with children and their families because they teach me about resilience.
Assistant Professor, McGill University
Associate Member, Department of Epidemiology, McGill University
Scientist, Centre for Outcomes Research & Evaluation, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
University of Ottawa
Medical Degree
McMaster University
McMaster University
McGill University, Pediatric Endocrinology
University of Toronto, Research Fellowship
I have the same hair as a powerful female X-men.
I am a health services researcher whose research focuses on healthcare access and use in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. My interests are in examining health outcomes in children with type 1 diabetes, particularly examining the transition from pediatric to adult diabetes care. The results of my studies aim to identify the healthcare needs of children and youth with diabetes and ultimately help to inform how best to deliver diabetes care, including transition care for emerging adults.
Nakhla M, Rahme E, Simard M, Larocque I, Legault L, Li P. Risk of Ketoacidosis in Children at Time of Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis by Primary Caregiver Status: a Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. CMAJ 2018 April 9;190 : E416-21. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.170676
Michaud S, Dasgupta K, Bell L, Yale JF, Anjachak N, Wafa S, Nakhla M. The transition from paediatric to adult care for emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: adult care providers’ perspectives.
Nakhla M, Bell L, Wafa S, Dasgupta K. The Transition from Pediatric to Adult Diabetes Care: The Pediatric Care Provider’s Perspective. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care. 2017 Jun 30; 5 (1): e000390
MD, PhD, MMSc, F.R.C.P Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD FRCPC Associate Director of Pediatric Endocrinology
,M.D.C.M., F.R.C.P.C., Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, FRCP, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, M.Sc., FRCP, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, FRCPC, Pediatric Endocrinologist
MD, FRCP, Pediatrician, Pediatric Endocrinologist