Wheeled sports and activities

Helmets reduce the risk of brain damage

Traumatic brain injury remains a major cause of death and disability in children and adolescents. The Montreal Children’s Hospital Emergency Department sees more than 750 children and adolescents each year for injuries caused by wheeled sports and activities. Two-thirds of wheeled sports injuries occur during cycling activities. The most common are fractures of the arm or leg, soft tissue injuries, sprains and head trauma.

Helmets reduce the risk of brain damage. Make sure your child wears a helmet when participating in wheeled sports and activities (such as cycling, skateboarding, in-line skating and scootering). Make sure children start wearing helmets at an early age. Parents should set an example by wearing helmets themselves.

Follow these tips for safe fun

When participating in wheeled activities such as cycling, skateboarding, in-line skating and scootering, follow these tips for safe fun:

  • Wear protective helmets designed for the sport in question.
  • Use the equipment in designated areas, not in busy streets.
  • Wear high-visibility clothing for daytime riding and reflective accessories for night-time riding.
  • Wear appropriate footwear, such as running shoes, not flip-flops.
  • Know and respect road safety rules.
  • Watch out for pedestrians.
  • Never use two people on equipment designed for one person.
  • Gloves, knee and elbow pads can provide additional protection.


  • Make sure the bike/tricycle is the right size for your child and that it is in good working order. The correct size is reached when your child is able to ride the bike with both feet on the ground.
  • Check the brakes and tire pressure regularly.
  • Make sure your bike is equipped with reflectors (front, rear and on each wheel) so that you can be seen by motorists, especially at night.
  • Make sure you have a white front light and a red rear light for night riding.
  • Children under the age of 10 should not ride without adult supervision. Because of their age and stage of development, young children often have difficulty integrating the many actions taking place around them.
  • Ride in the direction of traffic in single file.
  • If you’re using a trailer or carrier for your toddler (over the age of one), use designated bike lanes only. Make sure your child is properly secured and wearing a helmet. Wear a helmet yourself.

Activities on wheels for babies and toddlers

  • Your child must be over one year old to use a bike carrier or trailer.
  • Make sure your child’s head and neck are well controlled so he or she can wear a helmet.
  • Make sure your child is properly secured and wearing a helmet. Wear a helmet yourself.
  • need to ride on a smooth surface.
  • Make sure your child wears a well-fitting helmet when he or she is ready to ride a tricycle. Knee and elbow pads can provide extra protection.
  • Attach a flag to the rear of the bike trailer to make it more visible to drivers, other cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Parents and caregivers should not carry young children in a baby carrier while in-line skating or skateboarding.
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