My spine is curvy, let’s talk about it!
11 March 2025
Welcome to the Montreal Children's Hospital
12 February 2025
As a snowstorm approaches, the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH) Trauma Centre is reminding families to take extra precautions to ensure children’s safety while enjoying winter activities.
While snow can provide endless fun, without proper precautions, injuries can occur.
“Assessing risk and making informed choices is important,” says Debbie Friedman, MCH Trauma Director and Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery at McGill University.
Tobogganing safety
The majority of serious tobogganing related injuries seen at our centre are caused by a child sliding into a solid object such as a pole, bench, bale of hay or a rock. Many municipalities have taken good precautions to identify appropriate hills for this activity, but remember, not every hill is suited for tobogganing.
Snow fort safety
Snow forts with roofs or tunnels can collapse and children can get trapped underneath. The Montreal Children’s Hospital advises families to:
Road safety
Heavy snowfall means an increase in snowplow and snow removal activity. These large vehicles have limited visibility and snow piles can pose unexpected dangers. Parents should remind children to:
“By working together, parents, children, teens and local municipalities can reduce the number of injuries by following these safety tips,” says Liane Fransblow, MCH Trauma Centre’s Injury Prevention Coordinator.
Here is additional advice to make sure families can enjoy winter while staying safe: