Ph.D, Psychologist
I enjoy working with children and their families because it always brightens my day!
Concordia University, Psychology (Honours)
Université de Montréal, Ph. D., Clinical Neuropsychology
Neuropsychology rotations in the following services/departments:
Neurology/Neurosurgery Service, CHUM
Psychiatry, Pavillon Albert Prévost, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal
Psychology rotation:
Annexe La Passerelle (Centre de réadaptation Marie-Enfant du CHU Sainte-Justine)
I love gardening! Beautiful summer 2018 led to a record harvest: 380 tomatoes and 80 cucumbers!
Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, MH. (2017). Long-term brain-injury-specific effects following preschool mild TBI: A study of theory of mind. Neuropsychology, 31(3), 229-241.
Bellerose, J., Neugnot-Cerioli, M., Bédard, K., Brunel-Guitton, C., Mitchell, GA., Ospina, LH., & Beauchamp, MH. (2016). A highly diverse portrait: Heterogeneity of neuropsychological profiles in cblC defect. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease Reports, 29, 19-32.
Bellerose, J., Bernier, A., Beaudoin, C., Gravel, J., & Beauchamp, MH. (2015). When injury clouds understanding of others: Theory of mind after mild TBI in preschool children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 21(7), 483-493.
Ph.D, Psychologist
M.Ps., D.Ps., Pediatric Psychologist
PhD., Pediatric Psychologist, Professional Practice Leader
Ph.D., Neuropsychologist
(Sepi) Ph.D., Pediatric Clinical Psychologist
Ph.D., Pediatric Psychologist
Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist
Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
Ph.D., Psy.D., Psychologist
Ph.D., Pediatric Psychologist