Vincent Chiasson


I like working with children and their families because helping families to understand their child’s development and neuropsychological profile better is very rewarding.

Awards and distinctions

NSERC Graduate Scholarship (2014-2017)



Université de Montréal, B.Sc., Psychology

Université de Montréal, Ph.D., Clinical Neuropsychology

Fun fact about me

I’m a die-hard Montréal Canadiens fan and also a badminton coach.


Research interests

Brain lesions, neurodevelopmental disorders, social cognition, clinical neuropsychology.

Selected publications

Chiasson, V., Elkaim, L., Weil, A.G., Crevier, L., & Beauchamp, M.H. (2017). Moral Reasoning in Children with Focal Brain Insults to Frontotemporal Regions. Brain Impairment, 18(1), 102-116.

Chiasson, V., Vera, E., Lalonde, G., Dooley, J., & Beauchamp, M. (2017). Assessing social cognition: Age-Related changes in Moral Reasoning in Childhood and Adolescence. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 31(3), 515-530.

Ansado, J., Chiasson, V., & Beauchamp, M. (2014). Croissance cérébrale et neurodéveloppement à l’adolescence. In Psychologie de l’adolescence : Perspectives scientifiques actuelles, Claes, M. & Lannegrand-Willems, L. (Dir.), Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Québec.