Promoting Early Literacy in Health Settings: Connecting for a National Strategy

Promoting Early Literacy in Health Settings: Connecting for a National Strategy

23 March 2016

Learning to read starts at birth, and this webinar will explore why and how we can support early literacy in health settings. Three speakers from across Canada will describe innovative ways that health professionals and health care centres can promote literacy:  

Dr. Alyson Shaw will review the evidence behind early literacy promotion and outline the Canadian Paediatric Society’s position statement, along with practice tools and guidelines. She will also describe literacy and health initiatives in Ottawa. 

Carol McDougall will outline a provincial model which provides a free bag of books and literacy materials to every baby born in Nova Scotia.  

Jan Lariviere will talk about the many ways that literacy promotion is integrated into health care practice for families at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

We invite you to join us in a discussion of how we can connect to support early literacy promotion in Canada. 

Click here for more information and to register! 

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