- Cloacal malformations
- “Global Health Work at the Montreal Children’s Hospital: Experiences from Haiti and Ethiopia”
- 14e congrès international de l’oto-rhino-laryngologie pédiatrique de Montréal
- 14th International Montreal Pediatric Otolaryngology Congress
- 2016-2017 PFCC Stars of the month
- 2018-2019 MSSA Innovation Fund Awardees
- 2019-2020 MSSA Innovation Fund Recipients
- 2021 Belcourt Symposium – Hepatitis C in Children: from Nobel to Cure
- 2021 ISDA Guidelines: Diagnosis & Management of Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in Pediatrics
- 21st Annual Alan Ross Lecture: Precision Medicine Strategies for Medulloblastoma
- 22nd Annual Alan Ross Lecture: Neonatal Follow-Up Into Adulthood: The Link Between Preterm Birth and Chronic Health Conditions
- 22nd Annual Alan Ross Lecture: Pediatric Education Based Scholarship Through the Looking Glass… Past, Present and Future
- 23rd Annual Alan Ross Lecture – COVID-19 and Mental Health: A Conversation about Children, Families, and Public Health Restrictions
- 34th Saul Usher Lectureship – Fetal cardiology: What it Offers and Where Are We At in Quebec
- 52nd Annual Alton Goldbloom Lecture – Determinants of Indigenous People’s Health
- 9th Annual Donald and Elizabeth Hillman Global Child Health Lecture: COVID-19 and Immunity: Insights from the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force
- A Family Guide to the Pandemic: Answers to Parents’ Burning Questions About COVID-19
- A New Era in the Treatment of Rare Disease: Perspectives from a Pediatric Neurologist
- About
- Access to CPD recordings
- Access to Essential Medicines in Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes: Barriers and Opportunities
- Accommodations
- Accreditation
- Acute Pediatric Asthma: An Evidence-Based Approach
- Addiction resources for children and teens
- Addressing Malnutrition in Pediatric Inpatients
- ADHD: Community resources
- Adolescent Substance Use in 2022: An Update on Best Practices and Emerging Trends
- Advances and breakthroughs
- Advancing Care For the Patients With Congenital Heart Disease – Lessons Learned From Tetralogy of Fallot
- Agir tôt – Les cliniques cerveau-développement-comportement (CDC) de l’HME étoffent leurs services grâce à une aide financière
- Alagille Syndrome: A Multisystem Disorder
- Alice Chan-Yip Lectureship – Social Perinatal Care, to Break Away From Intervention Silos: the Maison Bleue Case
- Annual Neonatal Simulation Day (in collaboration with Ste-Justine)
- Annual reports
- Annual Specialty Day
- Annual Specialty Day
- Annual Specialty Day: Demystifying Pediatric Neurology (Virtual Edition)
- Annual Specialty Day: Pediatric Surgery for the Non Surgeon
- ANNULÉE – L’attachement chez le jeune enfant : enjeux développementaux
- Anorectal malformations
- Apps – Centre for Complex Pain
- Archives
- Articles – Centre for Complex Pain
- Assessing and Interacting with Behaviorally Unresponsive Children
- Attachement chez le jeune enfant et enjeux développementaux 192095-011 – ANNULÉE
- Automated Teller Machine
- Belcourt Symposium – Acute Liver Failure: Bringing Hope to the Hepatologist’s Worst Nightmare
- Bereavement Program – Resources
- Between the Caribou Stew and the Apple Pie
- BILINGUISME: Données probantes au sujet d’enfants qui se développent normalement et enfants à risque
- Biological Therapies in Children
- Books – Centre for Complex Pain
- Bowel Management Program
- Brain Tumour Cell States & Fates
- Brain, Behaviour and Development
- Breaking Bias: Microaggressions in the Clinical Learning Environment?
- Breastfeeding in the NICU
- Broken jaw
- Building Healthy Inclusive Communities for All
- Canada Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Common Data Elements Study (mTBI CDE)
- Cancer Predisposition Syndromes in Young People: A Simple Question, A Surprising Journey!
- Cannabis in Pediatrics
- Careers and volunteering
- Caring Connections: Pediatric Bereavement Follow-Up Program
- CCHCSP 19th Annual Virtual Symposium 2021
- Celebrating 1 year in our new home
- Celebrating National Aboriginal Day
- Centre for Complex Pain – Resources
- Centre for Complex Pain – Testimonials
- Charitable foundations
- Child Life Internship Program at the MUHC
- Child Protection Rounds: Recognizing and Responding Safely to Child Abuse and Neglect
- Choking in infants
- Clinic visit
- Clinicians – Centre for Complex Pain
- Clinics and services
- Cliniques d’hiver
- Close-up on our Glen site
- Comment encourager la vie saine et active chez les jeunes enfants de 0 à 2 ans
- Commotion cérébrale chez les adolescents
- Community resources for aboriginal/First Nations people
- Community resources: Eating disorders
- Community resources: Sexual abuse
- Community resources: Shelters and housing
- Community resources: single parents
- Community resources: suicide
- Community resources: supportive counseling
- Community resources: transportation and parking
- Community resources: Tutoring
- Community resources: Victims of crime and domestic violence
- Community youth organizations
- Conditions and illnesses
- Congenital Hyperinsulinism – Management and Outcomes
- Consentement aux soins et aux mineurs – ANNULÉE
- Contact
- Contact us
- Contact us
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
- Council for Services to Children and Adolescents (CSCA)
- Cours avancé en réanimation pédiatrique – PALS
- COVID-19 Frequently asked questions
- COVID-19 resources
- COVID-19: Returning to school for the child with a chronic illness
- Crib of Love and Broken Hearts
- Crises d’épilepsie (prise en charge des absences, mouvement normaux vs anormaux) 192095-008 – ANNULÉE
- Day camps for children with special needs
- Day or ambulatory surgery
- Daycare listings
- Démystification de l’ankyloglossie
- Departments
- Dépression majeure chez les enfants et les adolescents
- Design, Execution and Oversight of Multicenter RCTs for Children with Low-Frequency Hematologic and Vascular Diseases: Knowledge Gained and Lessons Learned from Kids-DOTT
- Détection et Évaluation du Trouble du Spectre de l’Autisme (TSA)
- Develop a battle plan against the flu this year
- Diabetes – Nutrition
- Digital Media: Recommendations for Healthy Screen Use in School-Age Children and Adolescents
- Direction of Youth Protection (DYP)
- Disclaimer
- Diversité des profils chez les enfants victimes d’agression sexuelle: Défis au plan de l’évaluation et implications pour l’intervention
- Do’s and don’ts for May 24th, patient move day
- Donate
- Donation guidelines for gifts and toys
- Droits de l’enfant et meilleures pratiques professionnelles 192095-007
- Ear trauma emergencies
- Earth Day – Climate Change and Human Health: What Responsibility for Pediatricians?
- Easing children’s pain
- Emergency contacts by aboriginal/First Nations community
- Emplois pour les jeunes
- Enhancing Maternal Participation in Neonatal Hospital Care in Resource-Limited Settings // Mobilizing LMIC Emergency COVID19 Response
- Entertainment
- Error 403 : Access denied
- Ethnic community resources
- Exemple contenus
- Exemple contenus
- Explore the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Expo-Sciences prize
- Fall Joint Clinical and Basic Science Seminar Series Two in One: Novel treatments for an Asthmatic Cystic Fibrosis Patient
- Family Advisory Forum
- Family Is Medicine: Why Are Some Children Neglected and What Can We Do About It
- Family Literacy Day
- Family Literacy Day – A Method for Reducing Screen Time: Encouraging Parents to Spoil Their Children
- FAQ – Frequently asked questions on volunteering
- Fighting for a Hand to Hold: Confronting Medical Colonialism Against Indigenous Children in Canada
- Financial concerns and questions about your child’s hospitalization
- Finding your closest community CLSC (Montreal, Montérégie, Laval)
- Flourishing at Work: Mindful Lessons for Clinicians and Leaders
- Flu and COVID-19 vaccination
- Flu: Where to get your flu vaccine
- Flu: Who should get the flu vaccine
- Food, clothing and furniture banks
- Foreign object in the eye
- Formations 2014-2015
- Formations 2015-2016
- From diagnosis to hospitalization: addressing your children’s questions and concerns
- Frostbite
- Gaps in Anaphylaxis Management: Lessons Learned From the C-CARE Database
- Gastroenterology and Nutrition & Allergy and Immunology for the Clinician
- Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) resources
- Gene Therapies: A New Era in the Treatment of Metabolic Diseases?
- Gene Therapy For the Treatment of Pediatric Neuromuscular Diseases
- Gene-Environment Interplay and the Biology of Misfortune
- Genetics and Genomics of disease
- Getting around the hospital
- Getting to the MCH
- Glen site facility overview
- Global Health and Pediatric Neurology
- Globalization and Health (In)Equities: Is Neoliberalism to Blame?
- Going home
- Government forms for parents of sick children
- Graduating from pediatric care: helpful transition tips
- Grand Rounds Recordings
- Grief and bereavement resources
- Gutenberg
- H1 Titre principal de la page
- Handle Me With Care: An Approach to Perinatal Bone Disorders
- Health associations
- Health Equity Rounds: A Case-Based Conference to Address Bias and Structural Racism
- Health professionals
- Health services for Indigenous/First Nations peoples
- Healthcare professionals
- Helplines
- Hirschsprung disease
- History
- HIV/AIDS resources
- Home
- Hospital administration
- How Does Nodal Signaling Modulate the Timing of Parturition?
- How to apply
- How to apply to become a volunteer
- I am a healthcare provider
- I am a parent or caregiver
- I am a teen
- ICU Bridge Program
- Identité culturelle parmi des Autochtones et les services de la protection de la jeunesse
- If Mature Minors Were to be Eligible for Medical Assistance in Dying: An Ethical Lens on Possible Benefits, Risks, and Safeguards
- Inaugural Orange Shirt Day Lecture – ie’nikonrashátste Strong Spirits: Surviving Canada’s Indian Residential School System
- Income, debt and welfare assistance
- Innovative Approaches to Pediatric and Adolescent Care: Child Life Play-Based Interventions
- Inpatients
- Integrated Care for Children and Youth Who Experience Distress Through Physical Symptoms
- Interpreters
- Intersection Between the Opioid Crisis and Pain Crisis – Impact on Children with Chronic Pain
- Intervention auprès de la famille 1
- Intervention auprès de la famille 2
- It’s Canadian Intensive Care Week
- Join our Family Advisory Forum
- Join us
- Joint Clinical and Basic Science Seminar Series – ROP from Bench to Bedside
- Jordan, Joyce, and Justice: Decolonizing Healthcare for Indigenous Children and Youth
- Jordan’s Principle: Ending Inequalities in First Nations Children’s Services
- Journée annuelle des spécialités : Edition virtuelle
- Keith Drummond Lecture – From Cohort Study to Precision Medicine: Lessons Learned From the Chronic Kidney Disease in Children Study
- Kidney Disease in the Era of Genomic Medicine
- L’Abcédaire 0-5 ans : un modèle collaboratif du suivi de l’enfant
- L’abus et la violence dans la fratrie
- L’arthrite juvénile idiopathique
- L’intimidation à l’école et dans le cyberespace : ses multiples formes et ses multiples conséquences 192095-003
- L’introduction précoce des aliments allergènes pour prévenir les allergies alimentaires et la diversification alimentaire menée par l’enfant (Baby-Led Weaning)
- La nutrition à l’adolescence : pas un jeu d’enfant
- La polyvictimisation
- Le rôle de l’ergothérapeute, de l’orthophoniste et de l’audiologiste dans l’évaluation multidisciplinaire de l’enfant avec hypothèse de Trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA)
- Le sexting chez les jeunes/, un espace interactif de références pour promouvoir une sexualité saine et responsable
- Le suivi particulier du prématuré et du bébé de petit poids au niveau développement, croissance et nutrition
- Le traitement des troubles alimentaires : Approche et philosophie de la FBT
- Le traitement médical et la médication
- Le trouble de l’acquisition de la coordination (TAC)
- Leadership 101: What Ten Years of Being Chair/Chief Taught Me
- Legal resources
- Legal services
- Les défis de l’amour à l’adolescence… l’impact sur la santé et le bien-être des jeunes
- Les difficultés scolaires : au-delà du TDAH
- Les enjeux familiaux à l’adolescence : Comment en tenir compte lors de l’évaluation et de l’intervention
- Les pleurs aux boires, coliques et reflux gastroesophagiens
- Les problèmes alimentaires chez les bébés et les jeunes enfants
- Les stratégies cognitives 1
- Les stratégies cognitives 2
- Les symptômes psychotiques; sens et contextes
- Links – Centre for Complex Pain
- Lire/Imagine/Read
- Little Steps
- Living in Montreal
- Long-term urologic and gynecologic management for anorectal malformations
- Lorsque l’alimentation est difficile chez le nouveau-né 192095-009 – ANNULÉE
- Maladies et problèmes de santé
- Maternity and parental benefits
- MCH Global Health Lecture
- MCH Global Health Lecture – Les 1000 Premiers Jours de Bébé: Comment Prévenir La Pandémie D’obésité Infantile
- MCH Trauma Program’s Clinical Research: Completed projects in 2008-2009
- MCH Trauma Program’s Clinical Research: Completed projects in 2010-2011
- MCH Trauma Program’s Clinical Research: Completed projects in 2011-2012
- MCH Trauma Program’s Clinical Research: Completed projects in 2013-2014
- Media relations
- Medical breakthroughs and milestones
- Meet our research trainees
- Modalities
- Mutual Learning Model
- Name-Claim-Aim Lecture and Workshop
- Navigating through the hospital: wayfinding principles at the Glen Site
- Neonatal Difficult Airway Workshop
- Neonatology Academic Programs
- New Frontiers in ASD Diagnosis
- Newsroom
- Novel Technology in Pediatric Echocardiography – A View into the Future
- Objectives and projects
- Official campaign launch
- Organ and Tissue Donation
- Origins of Disease
- Our model of care
- Our research mentors
- Outils pratiques utiles
- Oxygen Saturation Targets in Pediatrics
- Packing your child’s suitcase
- Page modèle
- Page update
- Paralysie obstétricale du plexus brachial
- Partnership with Rwanda: Successes and Challenges
- Patient Safety – Getting to Zero: How Rapid Response Systems (RRS) Can Improve Patient Safety and Move Pediatric Hospitals Towards Eliminating Preventable Patient Deaths
- Patient Safety Week: My Last Lecture
- Patient Safety: QI as a Driver in Joy of Work
- Patient transfer FAQs
- Patients, parents and visitors
- Pediatric Dental Trauma
- Pediatric Jeopardy
- Pediatric Resuscitation-State of the Art… From the Ivory Tower to our own Backyards
- Pediatrics Advanced Life Support Course (PALS)
- Peer support group for parents who have lost a child
- Personnel
- POLR3-Related Leukodystrophy
- Pot-pourri de problèmes musculo-squelettiques chez les enfants de 0-5 ans
- Practical material
- Practical Problems in Pediatrics
- Practical Problems in Pediatrics
- Practical Problems in Pediatrics
- Practical Problems in Pediatrics: Virtual Edition
- Pregnancy and parenting resources
- Preparing to leave the NICU
- Press Releases
- Preston Robb – Building a Research Program in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons Learned from Neurosurgical Trials in Uganda
- Preston Robb Neuroscience Lecture: Neuroimaging Insights into MS and MOG-related Disorders in Children
- Preston Robb Neuroscience Lecture: Neurological Problems of Musical Masters (With Piano)
- Prévention et intervention pour troubles de sommeil 0-5 ans
- Prise en charge de cas de céphalées, migraines (santé scolaire) 192095-006
- Prise en charge du diabète en milieu scolaire et démystification des pompes à insuline 192095-005
- Privacy Notice
- Private home care assistance resources
- Private youth and family resources
- Problèmes pratiques en pédiatrie
- Problèmes pratiques en pédiatrie : Edition virtuelle
- Program Overview
- Programs at a glance
- Promises and Pitfalls in Delivering New Therapies to Canadian Children with Cancer and Other Rare Diseases
- Psychiatry: Community resources
- Public spaces and shared services at the Glen site
- Publications
- Publications
- Pulled elbow
- Radiation & IV Contrast Safety in Radiology
- Repairing the Brain of Sick Newborns: From Bench to Bedside
- Request an appointment
- Research at the MCH
- Researchers
- Researchers
- Resources for divorced or separated parents
- Resources for immigrants and refugees
- Respiratory Virus Diagnostics: Better Tests, Better Outcomes?
- Respite care services
- Rheumatology exercises
- Robert Usher Lecture – Dr Bob Usher: Lessons from a Mentor
- Safery at home EN
- Santé dentaire : prévention 192095-004
- Saul Usher Lecture – Cardiac Manifestations of COVID-19
- School boards
- Schwartz Center Rounds – Building Compassion and Strengthening Teams
- Search page
- Secondary Causes of Pediatric Osteoporosis Presenting in Healthy Children
- Service social
- Services éducatifs en milieu pédiatrique
- Silent Genomes: Building the Path to Equitable Care for Indigenous Children
- Sitemap
- Smart Choices: where to go for your child’s health problem
- Social media and netiquette
- Social service
- Social service
- Soins spirituels
- Solutions for Patient Safety: Children’s Hospitals Working Together to Eliminate Harm
- Soutien à la pratique professionelle
- Specialized dental services
- Specialized health professionals: associations
- Specialized natural health professionals associations
- Specialized schools
- Spina Bifida, Then, Now and Tomorrow
- Spiritual care services
- Spleen injuries
- Staying overnight
- Ste Justine Joint Rounds – Le centre québécois de génomique clinique : Un actif au service de tous les québécois
- Steinberg Child Development Lecture – A Fine Development: Celebrating the Contributions of T. Emmett Francoeur in the Child Development Program
- Stratégies d’exposition graduelle
- Stratégies pour optimiser la contraception chez les jeunes
- Stub health-professionals
- Stub Professionnels de la santé
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome on the First Day of Life: An Overlooked Threat?
- Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood
- Supporting children through loss
- Swallowed button batteries
- Swallowed object
- Taking care of the family
- Teaching
- Terms and conditions
- TEST – Volunteer application form
- TEST PAGE – Patient Partnerships form
- Test Page Stage Form – RYS
- Tests and exams
- Thank you for your submission
- The A to Zzz’s of Pediatric Sleep Medicine: A 20 Year Update
- The First Annual Keith Drummond Memorial Lecture
- The McGill Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management: The Journey Begins!
- The New Kids on The Block: Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
- The NICU staff
- The Peter Pan Syndrome: Stalled Development at the Core of Pediatric Brain Tumors
- The Power of Resilience
- The Power of Words in Pediatrics: Child Life Evidence-Based Practice
- The right care in the right language
- The Silent Epidemic of Dental Caries: Are Our Patients at Risk?
- The Unspoken Quality Metric: Moral Distress and Peer Support in Healthcare
- Tonsillectomy and/or Adenoidectomy
- Torticolis pédiatrique et développement moteur
- Toward an Optimal Learning Environment
- Towards Solving the Problem of Idiopathic Meningitis in Low-Resource Settings and Breaking Barriers
- Transforming Care Delivery for Children with Medical Complexity
- Transition to Adult Care for Children with Special Health Needs
- Transitioning to Competency-By-Design in Pediatrics: Lessons Learned at McGill and Preparing for Successful Implementation
- Trauma – Mission and Programs
- Trauma Press Releases
- Trauma Press Releases
- Trauma Press Releases
- Trauma Press Releases
- Traumatologie
- Treatment of Acute COVID-19 in Children
- Trouble du Spectre de l’Alcoolisation Fœtale
- Troubles alimentaires – La maladie et les comportements pathologiques
- Troubles du sommeil chez l’enfant 192095-010 – ANNULÉE
- Types of positions
- Under Pressure: Stress, Performance and Patient Safety
- Une introduction aux cas de violence physique chez les bébés et les enfants de moins de 5 ans
- University Hospital Centres
- Usage de cannabis à l’adolescence au sein du cadre législatif en mouvement
- Useful COVID-19 resources and links
- Using Genomics to Improve Diagnosis and Management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Using Technology and Social Media to Improve Newborn Care
- Using Vaccination & Tamiflu to Protect Those Children Vulnerable to Complications of Influenza
- Using Your Brain Differently: Modulating Neurodevelopmental Trajectories to Enable Children with Perinatal Brain Injury
- Vaccine Acceptance in 2021: What Did We Learn and What Do We Still Need To Do?
- Variance de genre chez les jeunes
- Videos – Centre for Complex Pain
- Vision and values
- Volunteering requirements
- Watch our campaign videos
- We’ve moved: May 24, 2015
- What makes us unique
- What makes us unique
- What to ask your doctor
- What to tell your child
- When Equal is Not Enough: Opportunities for Advancing Health Equity in Pediatrics
- When should you seek emergency care? – A guide in 16 languages
- When to go to the Emergency Room
- Where has my clinic moved?
- Where Kids Come First
- Where Kids Come First subscription
- Who is left Behind? Health Disparities Among LGBT Children, Youth and Adults: Strategies for Inclusive Care
- Why Every Healthcare Consultation Needs a Dose of Empathy
- Winter holiday safety
- Wish and dream foundations
- Work environment
- Working Together to Enhance Direct Observation Practices in Busy Clinical Settings
- Your child’s hearing: developmental milestones
- Your Child’s Development
- Your donations at work
- Youth and family resources
- Our teams
- Explore new challenges
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital celebrates its 110th birthday
- The MCH’s Child Life department wins Fellowship Funding for new project
- MCH surgeon Dr. Dan Poenaru wins Canadian medicine’s top humanitarian award for selfless work abroad
- NICU Wall of Fame
- The new McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) at the Glen site is the first university health centre in Quebec to bring care for children and adults together in one location.
- Congratulations to our 2015 Awards of Excellence winners
- Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 Awards of Excellence
- MUHC celebrates the inauguration of its state-of-the Glen Site
- Québec Science honours RI-MUHC discovery by Dr. Christine McCusker, researcher and allergist-immunologist at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- PFCC Star of the month: Julie Brouillard, Clinical Nurse Specialist, neurosurgery and neuro-oncology
- Québec’s College des médecins pays tribute to Dr. Jean-Pierre Farmer, head of pediatric surgery at the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC
- Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 Awards of Excellence
- PFCC Star of the month: Sylvie Canizares, Nurse, Complex Care Service
- PFCC Star of the month: Nadia Aiello, Licensed Practical Nurse, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- PFCC Star of the month: Doris DeMelo, Licensed Practical Nurse
- PFCC Star of the Month: Dr. Indra Gupta, Pediatric Nephrologist
- PFCC Star of the Month: Martine Laflamme, Nurse Clinician, Day Hospital, Pediatric Day Centre
- PFCC Star of the Month: Dr. June Ortenberg, Pediatrician
- PFCC Star of the Month: Lina Di Re, Nurse Clinician
- PFCC Star of the Month: Marika Edvi, Nurse Clinician, Urology
- PFCC Star of the Month: Paule Comtois, Nurse Clinician, Nephrology
- PFCC Star of the month: Lynn McCauley, Nutritionist, Nephrology
- PFCC Star of the month: Donna Drury, Nutritionist, PICU and Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
- PFCC Star of the month: Maryse Dagenais, Advanced Practice Nurse
- PFCC Star of the month: Matthew Park, Social Worker, PICU
- PFCC Star of the Month: Marie Antonacci, Assistant Nurse Manager, PICU
- PFCC Star of the month: Kathy Kehoe, nurse
- PFCC Star of the Month: Dr. Samara Zavalkoff
- PFCC Star of the Month: Dr. Elizabeth Hailu, Neonatologist, NICU
- PFCC Star for December: Dr. David Mitchell
- PFCC Star of the month: Harini Sinnakili
- PFCC Star of the month: Judy Edes
- PFCC Star of the Month: Eloisa Binder
- Dr. Jabado’s work investigating brain cancer in children receives $13 million in funding
- PFCC Star Award
- Dr Shaheen-Hussain named the Montreal Canadiens the Hero of the Game on December 1
- Sharon Taylor Ducharme named Montreal Canadiens “Hero of the Game” on December 2
- The Children’s celebrates 115 years
- International team of scientists detect cause of rare pediatric brain disorder
- Dr. Geneviève Bernard is this year’s recipient of the Prix d’excellence – Specialist of the Year award for Region 4
- Dr. Jean-Martin Laberge honored as the 2019 Mentor of the Year for the region by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada
- MCH Operating Room (OR) team awarded prestigious Excellence in care prize from the FMSQ’s annual Interdisciplinary Educational Day (IED)
- Dr. Ilana Bank awarded the 2020 Certificate of Merit from the Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME)
- Catherine Goudie receives a career development award from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- At the request of CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, the McGill University Health Centre has become the dedicated partner of the Nazaire-Piché CHSLD in Lachine
- Dr. Emmett Francoeur recipient of 2020 Prix Letondal
- Dr. Bethany Foster appointed Chair, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University and Pediatrician-in-Chief, McGill University Health Centre
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation Presents: The Awards of Excellence
- I-CCAN service for patients with complex needs wins Prix d’excellence honour
- Congratulations to the 2023 Awards of Excellence winners!
- Emergency medicine competition: and the winning team is…
- Grand Prix de Transplant Québec : A Montreal Children’s Hospital recognized leader in organ donation
- Appointment: Dr. Eva-Flore Bui-Xuan, Chief of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Dr. Tanya Di Genova, new Associate Director of Professional Services of the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Nada Jabado named 2024 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureate for North America
- Dr. Pramod S. Puligandla admitted into Academy of Master Surgeon Educators
- Birthing Centre wins a Prix Hippocrate
- Bravo Dr. Christine Saint-Martin, recipient of the 2024 Prix Albert-Jutras!
- Two MCH physicians appointed to the Order of Canada
- Easing children’s pain
- Martine Alfonso: new leader at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Canadian children need improved access to quality dental care
- Elimination of price protection for sixty brand-name drugs in Quebec
- Introducing #Periodchat: a timely tweet chat about menstruation with The Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Caring for Kids Radiothon – 10th edition!
- The Ball for The Children’s 2013
- Quebec celebrates Social Workers March 24 to 30
- Innovative pediatrics project in personalized health: McGill and the RI MUHC awarded grant as part of major investment in genomics research in Quebec
- Happy National Volunteer Week – April 21 to 27
- With every hug and wiped tear, this MCH volunteer is making a difference
- Leo Migneault—for almost two decades he has stood by the children of the MCH
- To all our nurses: thank you for everything you do!
- Dramatic decrease in risk of death for children on dialysis
- Project Sunshine: coordinating monthly volunteer programs at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Hockey Canada votes to ban bodychecking in peewee hockey
- The Caring for Kids Radiothon raised $1,460,000!
- Groundbreaking techniques brought forth in the 1990s change the lives of children and allow them to grow to be autonomous adults
- A new lease on life
- An unforeseen career
- Following in dad’s footsteps
- Karz 4 Kids
- Recall – Baby Einstein Activity Jumper
- A hot car could mean heatstroke: eight measures you can take to avoid a devastating tragedy
- Understanding the effects of genes on human traits
- Continuing medical education: Surgical Grand Rounds
- A special thank you visit
- Easing those ‘first day of school’ jitters
- MUHC Board of Directors Public Meeting
- Continuing medical education: Surgical Grand Rounds
- Northern Pediatric Days
- Run! Walk! And encourage Abigaël!
- MCH doctors finish the Amazing Race Canada in fifth place
- Trekking it for The Children’s
- Do you know someone who’d make a great addition to the Family Advisory Forum?
- September 27 to October 4, 2013 is Users’ Rights Week at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- New booklet helps burn victims and their families during difficult time
- Be Line WISE! Program focuses on best practices
- Trauma Rounds
- Continuing medical education: Surgical Grand Rounds
- Continuing medical education: Surgical Grand Rounds
- Continuing medical education: Surgical Grand Rounds
- Daughters continue their mother’s legacy
- An eye for detail, a passion for perfection
- New machine will test for elusive lung disease
- Trading scrubs for hard hats
- When my child turns 18: financial, legal and medical discussions related to transitioning patients who have an intellectual impairment
- Pediatric surgeon develops free app for first-time surgery patients
- Montreal Children’s Hospital staff members get into the Halloween spirit
- Trauma Rounds
- Thinking outside the box: New interest group pushes MCH staff to become ‘Champions for Patient Safety’
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: From the African Skies
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: Edmond
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: An African solution to an African problem
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: The first (not so) easy case
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: When good people do nothing
- No need to delay introduction of food allergens to high-risk babies, pediatricians advise
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: Winning battles but losing the war
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: The human factor is Rwanda’s best hope
- Toy Safety during the holiday season – Safe play and injury prevention should be a priority when holiday shopping
- Dr. Sherif Emil’s dispatches from Rwanda: Thanksgiving
- Gabriel watching over Gabriel
- Health Canada urges parents to safeguard children from cord strangulations
- A very special visit from the Montreal Canadiens
- Under the microscope
- MCH lecture on reading and learning
- Flu shots encouraged as H1N1 arrives in Quebec
- Waiting for Eva
- Employment Insurance special benefits for Parents of Critically Ill Children
- Québec Tobacco-Free Week: play a part in collective efforts to curb smoking in Québec
- Coroner’s drowning report calls for locked gates on all pools
- Starting a new chapter at 18
- On the move: PICU brings families into transition planning
- Shopping cart falls injure hundreds of children
- Rhythm of the heart
- Do you have a great idea for a healthcare app?
- MUHC Board of Directors Public Meeting on June 17, 2014
- Doc Talk: a snapshot of Dr. Claire LeBlanc, Pediatric Rheumatologist and Sport Medicine Physician
- Public notice: closure of Tupper Street starting March 10th for a period of 2 weeks
- Growing up with juvenile arthritis
- Audiology services at the new MCH: a decade in the making
- My Toolbox March and May 2014 sessions: MUHC Chronic Disease Self-management Program
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Child Life Pet Therapy program is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year!
- Waiting for a new kidney
- Café scientifique – Seasonal variations in asthma in children
- It’s National Volunteer Week: April 6 to 12
- National Volunteer Week: Donald Gilbert’s story
- Dealing with a health problem during the Easter holidays?
- Confronting concussions head on
- Road work near Cabot Square: Lambert-Closse Street closed
- Focus group for parents of children with a chronic illness
- Tiny patient, great big miracle
- Living with lupus
- To all our nurses: thank you for everything you do!
- Caring for Kids Radiothon – 11th edition!
- The Ball for The Children ‘s : $1.1 million raised!
- The Caring for Kids Radiothon raised $1,460,000!
- June 2nd, 2014 marks World Orthoptic Day
- MUHC Board of Directors Public Meeting
- Genetics and Paediatric Health: a new on-line module
- MCH Trauma specialists highlight Brain Awareness Month during Pedal for Kids by promoting awareness about traumatic brain injuries
- Meet Chantal Souligny: our new Associate Director of Nursing
- The missing factor: Growing up with hemophilia
- Clinical Labs at the Glen: new facilities and responsibilities point to exciting future
- Trauma specialists speak to patients and families about drowning prevention
- A letter of thanks
- A mom’s thanks after a successful operation
- Our Operating Room staff: working tirelessly behind the scenes
- In loving memory of Sylvie Trudel (1966-2013)
- Quebec artist Michel Saulnier creates larger-than-life, whimsical bear sculpture for the new Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Media Invitation: Canadian Medical First
- Canadian Medical First: 17-year-old patient becomes first in Canada to undergo minimally invasive pectus carinatum repair
- Next public meeting of the MUHC Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, September 9, 2014
- Living with leukemia, one day at a time
- A mother sends her thanks after her baby’s remarkable recovery
- Stefano’s first day of pre-school
- Understanding and Protecting the Needs of Infants and Young Children Post-Separation and Divorce
- Tackling Crohn’s disease
- A letter of hope from one parent to another
- A letter of thanks from the father of a healthy, rambunctious toddler
- Living life to the fullest after numerous operations
- On our way to #MUHC2015: You’re invited to a once-in-a-lifetime tour of the new Glen site!
- Spiritual Care: helping families cope with their child’s illness
- Making headlines: bone marrow donation
- A new awakening
- Understanding Ebola: a tweet chat with our Dr. Caroline Quach, Infectious Disease Specialist
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital Auxiliary 2014 Holiday Card Campaign
- The people behind our patient move
- Great success at our new Glen site’s Open House
- High patient volumes in Montreal Emergency Departments
- Desjardins and the Montreal Children Hospital partner to support the next generation of leaders in pediatric research
- A memorable moment for Rafaël
- A thank you letter to staff
- Jade’s courageous journey through cancer
- Genetic discovery about childhood blindness paves the way for new treatments
- A young patient shares her experience in her new blog
- A nightmare turned miracle
- Eye on the future: A wi-fi robot that will keep families connected
- Join us for a tweet chat: Get to know your new hospital at the Glen site
- Practice makes perfect: New training program leads to positive change in OR
- Family ties
- Looking forward to heading home
- Spotlight on our pharmacists: March is Pharmacist Awareness Month
- The month of March is National Social Work Month
- Tackling kidney disease, one day at a time
- A face-to-face with one of our research leaders
- Living life seizure-free
- Getting ready to care for our little ones
- Finding the light
- It’s National Volunteer Week: April 12 to 18, 2015
- A bone marrow transplant dramatically changes one boy’s life
- NICU Wall of Fame
- Saying goodbye to 2300 Tupper street
- Celebrating National Nursing Week
- Mock patient move preps staff for big day
- My child will be going to the new Montreal Children’s this summer for surgery. Will I be able to stay with him overnight?
- The new McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) at the Glen site is the first university health centre in Quebec to bring care for children and adults together in one location.
- Thinking outside the box: Surgical inpatient unit organizes scavenger hunt to help orient staff at the Glen
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital successfully moved to new home
- The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal soothes patients to sleep at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Understanding spina bifida
- Thank you to our Radiothon donors
- Ashton celebrates being medication-free
- MUHC celebrates the inauguration of its state-of-the Glen Site
- Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) staff inaugurate brand new Advanced Care Unit
- A heartwarming reunion
- A glimmer of hope for patients with leukodystrophies
- National Drowning Prevention Week: July 19th to July 25th
- Cavalia’s Odysseo transforms the Montreal Children’s Hospital Atrium into a magical equestrian stage
- Child Health Solutions: Join us in Quebec City!
- Canadian study sheds surprising light on the causes of cerebral palsy
- Finding the light: a family’s journey with childhood cancer
- A rare diagnosis, a life-saving surgery
- MCH: simulation exercise to test response measures in the event of a large-scale emergency
- Habs star P.K. Subban makes largest donation by a professional athlete in Canadian history to the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation
- Win 2 tickets to the Montreal Canadien’s home opener and attend a meet and greet with P.K. Subban
- The Children’s gets a special visit from some rising Quebec talent
- Patient Rights Week: Free Public Lecture on Informed Consent
- A letter of thanks from a grateful big sister
- Smiles all around during the Montreal Impact’s visit
- A rare diagnosis within the first week of life
- Mental Health Awareness Week: highlighting the expertise of our Child Psychiatry Team
- The Alouettes bring smiles to patients during hospital visit 2015
- Come and highlight Patient Safety Week with us!
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- A young boy’s gastro symptoms lead to unexpected diagnosis
- November 8th to 14th marks Radiology Technologist Week
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Winter Classic jerseys an exclusive opportunity for the fans to benefit sick children
- Avoid visiting an Emergency Room for a non-urgent health problem
- Avoid visiting an Emergency Room for a non-urgent health problem
- November 17th marks World Prematurity Day
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- The Gift of Sound: Montreal Children’s Hospital becomes first hospital in North America to install new bone-anchored hearing implant in teenage patient
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- A special visit from the Montreal Canadiens
- The Gift of Sound
- ‘Tis the season to be jolly!
- New reduced parking rate packages at the MUHC
- Flu and gastroenteritis – Effective practices to prevent overcrowding in emergency rooms
- A mother shares the story of her daughter’s road to recovery
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- A letter of thanks from a grateful mom
- Moving full steam ahead: Major changes at 2300 Tupper
- Share your love of reading on Family Literacy Day
- One day at a time: George’s cancer journey
- February is Heart Month
- February is Psychology Month
- Six years later, Adam is thriving
- Before heading to the emergency room for fever, gastroenteritis or mild flu symptoms
- Our tiny Valentines: Celebrating love in the NICU
- Overcoming the odds: Dante’s story
- Cooking is good for the soul: MCH psychiatry patients discover new passion thanks to cooking activity
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Early screening helps Clara hear clearly
- PHRESCA & CCHCSP – Session 6
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy # 1: The End of the Earth
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy # 2: Can it get any better?
- Improving Communication, collaboration and care: a workshop for parents
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy #3: The Heroes of Africa
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy #4: The Power of Camaraderie
- School, sports and fundraising
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy #5: It Takes a Mercy Ship
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy #6: Jane
- Highlighting our trusted medication experts: March marks Pharmacist Awareness Month
- Restoring Hope: The power of social work
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy # 7: A Vision of Mercy (Final Dispatch)
- Celebrating Ava: a mom’s letter of gratitude
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- PHRESCA & CCHCSP – Session 7
- Putting research into practice
- Living with epilepsy
- Promoting Early Literacy in Health Settings: Connecting for a National Strategy
- A teenager celebrates life getting back to normal after four months of health concerns
- Grateful goodbyes
- RI-MUHC leads innovative network to support children with brain-based developmental disabilities and their families
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- From patient to volunteer: Celebrating our volunteers during National Volunteer Week
- Traditional skin tests used to predict allergies to antibiotics are useless say Montreal researchers
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- PHRESCA & CCHCSP – Session 8
- Increasing cases of anaphylaxis among children
- A mended heart
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- One breath at a time
- Physiotherapy helps: highlighting the expertise of our physiotherapists
- PHRESCA & CCHCSP – Session 9
- Child Health and Human Development Monday Noon Seminars
- Teen with MS shines a light on living with the disease
- Beyond words: Speech language pathologists play key role in pediatric care
- New study reinforces importance of implementing newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in Quebec
- Transition from pediatric to adult health care for young adults who have an intellectual impairment: an informational evening
- Celebrating National Nursing Week: May 9th to 15th, 2016
- Québec’s College des médecins pays tribute to Dr. Jean-Pierre Farmer, head of pediatric surgery at the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation moves into a satellite office at the Glen site
- Is the thrill worth it? New injury prevention program inspires students to promote responsible driving amongst their peers
- Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 Awards of Excellence
- Celebrating 1 year in our new home
- Strength in numbers
- Promoting kangaroo cuddles in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- Combatting concussions successfully thanks to expert help from specialists
- The Radiothon raised $1,300,428!
- Looking for youth aged 14 to 21 years old for a contraception study
- Mothers for Others donates 100 quilts to the Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- Cheerleaders and alumni from the Indianapolis Colts visit the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Managing an invisible illness
- Shooting for a full recovery
- Living with spina bifida
- Highlighting National Aboriginal Day
- New uniforms for Montreal Children’s Hospital Volunteers
- Léa-Marie City
- That’s amore: making pizza in the Hemodialysis Unit
- Beach party in the Hemodialysis Unit
- Baby Gemma thrives thanks to a life-altering kidney surgery
- Teddy Bear Clinic helps to reduce anxiety associated with an upcoming operation
- Smiles all around during the Montreal Impact’s visit
- A 4th birthday along with a 4th heartiversary for Olivier
- PFCC Star of the month: Doris DeMelo, Licensed Practical Nurse
- First National Conference on Leukodystrophies
- Marc-Andre Fleury brings the Stanley Cup to Montreal Children’s Hospital
- 12-year old Christina’s brave and bold journey through cancer and beyond
- Pet Therapy provides a way to normalize the hospital environment
- P.K. Subban touches the lives of over 9,000 families during the first year of his commitment to the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- School Services at the Montreal Children’s Hospital: Teachers help students make the grade outside the classroom
- A matter of the heart
- The Alouettes bring smiles to patients during hospital visit
- Managing and preventing psychosis: it takes a team
- Maximizing potential, one patient at a time
- Ma première chirurgie is launched
- Intensive care requires intensive training: October 30 to November 5 is Canadian Intensive Care Week
- Halloween at the hospital
- Songwriting workshop for music-loving teenage patients
- Forever grateful to the Children’s
- Highlighting World Prematurity Day
- PFCC Star of the Month: Lina Di Re, Nurse Clinician
- A preemie perseveres
- Celebrating Siena
- Highlighting World AIDS Day
- Montréal Canadiens Visit
- Making Team Canada
- Celebrating Jazper
- Overcrowding in pediatric Emergency Departments
- Dispatches from Benin #1: Coming Home to A New Country
- Dispatches from Benin #2: The Price of Neglect
- Dispatches from Benin #3: Teamwork
- Dispatches from Benin #4: Make Good Decisions
- Dispatches from Benin #5: If it were only for this one
- A letter of thanks from a grateful mom
- Thank you to our toy donors
- Jaxon heads home
- The MCH Chronic Pain Service: helping patients and families return to normal life
- Celebrating Grace
- A family affair: parental presence at induction helps ease stress for both generations
- Celebrating Heart month with our Cardiology patients
- Congratulations to P.K. Subban and our two volunteers for their honours
- International Women’s Day: Highlighting Women in Science
- An abnormality in utero
- Love from Leo
- Mia thrives thanks to surgery 2 days after birth
- From a wheelchair to walking again
- A visit from the United Irish Societies of Montreal’s 2017 Parade Queen and her court and Mayor Denis Coderre
- Navigating life one seizure at a time
- It’s Child Life Services Week
- MCH Dentistry Provides Healthy Smiles to Children with Special Needs
- Three cardiac surgeries in three years
- Back to being a toddler
- Celebrating National Volunteer Week: April 23-29, 2017
- A life-changing transplant for four-year-old Alessandro
- First-ever Patient and Family Centred Care Star Award Luncheon
- Helping patients move forward: May marks Physiotherapy Month
- Celebrating National Nursing Week: May 8th to 14th, 2017
- 16-year old Ashley thrives at center stage
- Information Day on Transition from Adolescent to Adult Epilepsy Care
- The beauty and benefits of kangaroo care
- Paying it forward on Mother’s Day
- Triple the love: embracing life with triplets
- The Caring for Kids Radiothon, aired on CJAD 800, 96 Virgin Radio, CHOM 97 7 and TSN Radio 690, raises $1,208,000 for the Children’s young patients
- F1 race car driver Lance Stroll visits patients at the Children’s
- Kidney graft success – does age and sex matter?
- Charlotte thrives thanks to expert care
- Managing life with sickle cell anemia
- More than words: interpreter maintains strong ties to her community
- Mighty Max overcomes congenital lung disease
- A Grateful Teen
- Being part of a movement
- A NICU graduate celebrates life
- A grateful mom says thanks
- Children’s staff members bring summer camp fun to patients with juvenile arthritis
- New social media network launched to help hospitalized patients connect with friends, family and peer support
- Sibling drop-off program launches in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- Children’s staff members bring expertise and smiles to Camp Carowanis
- Viagra could help babies deprived of oxygen during childbirth
- A visit from P.K. Subban
- Katianna confronts Kawasaki disease
- Patient explains just how much her hospital means to her
- Cancer wait times: Letter to the editor
- Cadence, Ethan and Abigael: three siblings, same diagnosis
- Thank you to the Alouettes for a wonderful visit!
- Cree books for patients at the Children’s
- Transition from pediatric to adult care for young adults who have an intellectual impairment
- Flu vaccines for patients and families
- B8 scores high marks on hand hygiene initiative
- A day in the life of an…orthoptist!
- The Children’s Northern and Native Child Health Program
- High fat diet helps patient overcome 500 seizures a day
- Video game created for MCH patient
- A day in the life of a…cast technician!
- Beyond medication: quality of life is the focus for MCH HIV team
- Émile Jutras moves on
- The Montreal Canadiens spread some cheer
- Little Hercules and the Inuksuit are back at the Children’s
- The Best Gift of All
- Gift ideas from specialists at the Children’s
- A day (and night) in the life of a…respiratory therapist in the Sleep Lab!
- Warning re: Laundry Pods
- Newer and more accurate influenza diagnostic tests have the potential to improve patient outcomes
- Finding pain relief from an unexpected treatment
- Management of diaphragmatic hernia in infants and children is complex and variable
- Atypical Anorexia: an eating disorder that is hard to detect
- Living without hormones
- Heart Month
- A day in the life of … two medical technologists!
- Treating the mind to heal the brain
- Social Work Month
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy III #1: If you want to go far…
- Dispatches from Douala #2: Transformations
- Practice makes perfect
- Maple Syrup Urine Disease
- Dispatches from Douala #3: Angels of Mercy
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy III #4: Irene of Montreal
- Tackling adherence to treatment on several fronts
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy III #5 (Final Dispatch): Crossing the Bridge
- How one young patient’s entrepreneurial spirit has helped him fight cystic fibrosis
- A day in the life of a…medical imaging technologist
- First Canadian Pediatric Surgeon ever elected to the Pediatric Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery
- Nursing week 2018
- Educational Conference on Leukodystrophies
- Teens and Sexual Health
- Taking one step at a time
- A day in the life of a … biomedical engineering specialist
- Returning home to give back
- The Glass Door Project
- “I’m not afraid of stigma”
- Good News for Dave Laplante
- Small Miracles
- Maxime: Living at home with a rare disease
- Quebec announces newborn screening for cystic fibrosis
- Canadian Intensive Care Week
- No-Nonsense Approach to Genetic Kidney Disease in Children
- A day in the life of three medical technologists in the MUHC Central Lab
- As cannabis becomes a legal drug in Canada, remember it can be poisonous to children
- Code Orange Simulation at the MCH and MUHC
- A day in the life of an ethicist
- Cure SMA Québec: A Children’s mom starts group for support, education and friendship
- More than joint pain
- Seeing double: siblings diagnosed with same rare disease
- A day in the life of a…food service attendant
- How does cancer spread?
- The best time of the year
- Ceinture Olivier
- A day in the life of . . . two lactation consultants
- Stepping stones
- From scrubs to suits (…sort of!)
- Children’s teams carry out successful Code Orange response
- A true survivor: Dove’s story
- A day in the life of…a Medical Archivist
- Meet the Children’s new Chief of Psychiatry
- A day in the life of…a critical care social worker
- Bravo Lorenzo!
- Seizing the moment: Sarah’s journey
- Free tax clinic at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Forging friendship through art and healing
- Former volunteer brings siblings together at the Just for Kids Sibling Park
- One bite at a time
- Celebrating National Nursing Week: May 6th to 12th, 2019
- Children in Quebec are not diagnosed early enough with type 1 diabetes
- A day in the life of….a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
- The big switch
- Empowering families one session at a time
- May is Speech and Hearing Month
- Twenty five years cancer-free
- Helping patients navigate the psychological impacts of concussions
- From bedside nurse to mom in the NICU
- Children’s patients and best friends take on prom, celebrating life beyond cancer
- Hanging on to hope
- A day in the life of a…social counselor
- Dr. Geneviève Bernard is this year’s recipient of the Prix d’excellence – Specialist of the Year award for Region 4
- Book provides window into two decades of pediatric surgery
- Empowering parents, enabling breastfeeding
- Transition from pediatric to adult care for young adults who have an intellectual impairment
- A day in the life of an… occupational therapist
- A Day in the Life of… the Neonatal Transport Team
- Umbrella of care: the Children’s and RVH work together for benefit of one young patient
- Family Literacy Day
- A Day in the Life of a … Nursing Resource Manager
- A lasting impact
- Baby Ernest’s unparalleled resilience
- Mia defies the odds
- Matters of the heart: Mide’s story
- A cardiac arrest on the ice
- Healing the body and mind
- Famous Women in Montreal Children’s Hospital History
- Dispatches from the Africa Mercy: 2020
- Ask us anything: coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Dr. Emmett Francoeur recipient of 2020 Prix Letondal
- Pool drownings are a quick, silent, and preventable trauma
- Embracing technology amid a pandemic
- The World Brain Death Project: New publication offers significant and unprecedented consensus on the question of when brain death occurs
- Book your blood test and specimen collection appointment online
- New study co-authored by our Dr. Lily Hechtman shows that persistence of ADHD into adulthood is an important predictor of car crash risk
- Gene therapy to restore sight coming to the Montreal Children’s Hospital and to Quebec.
- Emergency services in Child Psychiatry at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Tobogganing Injuries at Record High: The Montreal Children’s Hospital Trauma Centre offers advice to plank the injuries
- An outpouring of solidarity
- Rising to the occasion
- Rising to the occasion
- Tips for a safe Spring Break
- Agir tôt: Brain, Development and Behaviour clinics at the Children’s expand services with new funding boost
- Child Life Services – Celebrating 85 years of play!
- Dr. Bethany Foster appointed Chair, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University and Pediatrician-in-Chief, McGill University Health Centre
- Don’t let E. coli ruin your child’s fun this summer!
- Kissing magnets and a new esophagus
- Severe allergic reactions: epinephrine is the only treatment and it’s underused
- A 7-year-old boy finally eats normally due to a unique treatment
- One call, one appointment!
- Pediatric Emergencies in Quebec in dire straits
- Teen, saved from amputation, begins the next chapter of his life
- Study confirms efficiency of app that quickly assesses risk of cancer predisposition syndromes in children
- Introducing ROSA™, the newest member of The Children’s neurosurgery team
- Would you give your kidney to a stranger?
- Caring for the family under one roof
- What is it like to work in the ER on December 25 at The Montreal Children’s Hospital?
- What to do if your child has COVID-19 or symptoms?
- The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation Presents: The Awards of Excellence
- Tobogganing injuries continue to raise alarms at MCH Trauma Centre
- For better care: physiotherapists now working directly in the Montreal Children’s Hospital ED
- Allergic to the cold?
- Talking about emotions is good for staff…and patients!
- The MCH launches ‘concierge’ service for patients with intermediate-complex care needs
- At 11 years old, Christina is finally breathing normally
- The Specialized Centre for Adolescent Mental Health of the MCH opens its doors
- $6.7 million to study the impacts of COVID-19 on children
- I-CCAN service for patients with complex needs wins Prix d’excellence honour
- Drownings are quick, silent and preventable
- Giving birth: towards greater cultural safety for Indigenous women
- After 4.5 years on dialysis, teenager sees his life changed, thanks to a kidney swap
- Lessons from a pandemic: Hospitals helping each other through the waves
- Regaining mobility after jumping off a bridge
- Stronger together
- Building a culture of safety at the MCH
- Spinal muscular atrophy: record broken at the MCH
- Is your child really allergic to antibiotics?
- Sam takes a bite out of life thanks to the MCH
- A helipad at the McGill University Health Centre
- Managing pain through psychosocial intervention
- Prevent summer injuries: top tips to stay safe
- Partial closure of Lambert-Closse street and Atwater ave beginning February 17th, 2014
- Reminder: Monday, August 4, 2014 is a holiday at the MUHC
- High patient volumes in Montreal Emergency Departments
- Access to the Glen made easier: tunnel to Vendôme Metro now open
- Important information for patients and families about The Children’s Clinic
- Monday, February 13 is a holiday at the MUHC
- Monday, August 7 is a holiday at the MUHC
- Turcot Exchange – Closure
- Children’s teams carry out successful Code Orange response
- Promoting kangaroo cuddles in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) May 7th to 15th
- Temporary closure of the main entrance of the Montreal Children’s Hospital (RC level)
- Temporary closure of the main entrance of the Montreal Children’s Hospital (RC level) Monday, October 21st
- RESTRICTED HOSPITAL ENTRANCES – Starting Monday, March 16 at 6 a.m.
- Important message to patients: Cancellation of non-urgent appointments
- Book your blood test and specimen collection appointment online
- Agir tôt: Brain, Development and Behaviour clinics at the Children’s expand services with new funding boost
- Reminder to all patients and visitors: Wearing a mask is mandatory at the MUHC
- Monday, August 2nd is a holiday at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Other viruses don’t take a break
- Montreal Children’s Hospital Emergency alert lifted
- Situation in the Emergency Departments – Launch of the “One Call, One Service” initiative
- An easier way to confirm or cancel your appointment at the Children’s Hospital
- When law and medicine unite for children’s health
- Spinal muscular atrophy: record broken at the MCH
- When RSV weighs heavily on the Canadian health-care system
- Protect yourself, protect others
- Emergency medicine competition: and the winning team is…
- Grand Prix de Transplant Québec : A Montreal Children’s Hospital recognized leader in organ donation
- My leg is different, let’s talk about it!
- A helipad at the McGill University Health Centre
- Genetic causes of cerebral palsy uncovered through whole-genome sequencing
- Measles: knowing the risks and protecting yourself
- Pediatric egg-induced anaphylaxis characteristics, outcomes described in new publication
- Dr. Tanya Di Genova, new Associate Director of Professional Services of the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- One child a day expected in Quebec emergency rooms for a drowning or near-drowning this summer
- Managing pain through psychosocial intervention
- Congratulations to the 2024 Awards of Excellence winners!
- Prevent summer injuries: top tips to stay safe
- Electric scooters: the need for vigilance
- A first-ever effective therapy for rare devastating neurodegenerative diseases
- Patient procedure for whooping cough testing
- Introducing peanuts earlier to reduce allergies
- Resources to support the mental health of expectant and new mothers
- A career dedicated to health equity
- Quebec’s first Colorectal Centre of Excellence opens its doors
- One year of success for the RVH Breastfeeding Clinic!
- Protect your baby against RSV
- A competition to improve emergency medicine
- The MCH has a new ambassador!
- Does your child chew their hair or bite their nails?
- Promising results for the Smart Hospital Project
- The MCH shines on the international stage!
- Dr. Pramod S. Puligandla admitted into Academy of Master Surgeon Educators
- Birthing Centre wins a Prix Hippocrate
- High volumes in pediatric Emergency Departments
- Discovery of new genes for molar pregnancies sheds light on their increased incidence in women aged 35 and over
- The I-CCAN program relieves stress for families at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Bravo Dr. Christine Saint-Martin, recipient of the 2024 Prix Albert-Jutras!
- Two MCH physicians appointed to the Order of Canada
- The first baby of the year 2025 at the MUHC is a girl!
- Saving lives through teaching
- Important notice: Potential exposure to chickenpox at the Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Upcoming winter storm raises alarms at MCH Trauma Centre
- My spine is curvy, let’s talk about it!
Health article
- Breastfeeding myths
- Your Child’s Development
- Helping your child deal with pain
- Abdominal Pain in Children
- Childhood arthritis is not a myth
- Teens and suicide, reading the signs and taking them seriously
- Anorexia and Bulimia
- Ten Reasons to Quit – For Parents
- Ten Reasons to Quit – For teens
- Children and Urinary Infections
- Is your “picky eater” eating enough?
- Food for thought
- Guidelines for Temporary Removal of the Insulin Pump
- CSII Sick Day Management
- Insulin Pump Suppliers
- Children and Teen Health
- April – Cancer Awareness Month
- My child has cancer: How can I help him or her deal with his emotions
- Heat: the new treatment for asthma?
- GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) in Children
- Understanding Bulimia Nervosa
- Allergies: When Foods Harm
- Life With Asthma
- Hearing and vision: the must-pass exams
- Recovery from eating disorders a long process – but well worth the journey
- The tummy ache dilemma
- Understanding Scoliosis
- Treating Scoliosis
- Treating Viral Respiratory Illness in Children
- Kids’ Depression
- Pneumonia in Children
- Kid Care: Flat Feet
- Viral meningitis in children
- What Is an Undescended Testicle?
- Cardiac Catheterization
- 8 tips for a good night’s sleep
- Write On! Help Your Child Start a Journal
- Encouragement Helps Nurture Kids’ Talents
- For Kids, Games Can Build Strong Minds
- Making This School Year Your Child’s Best
- Mumps: What you should know
- Cough Medicine Abuse by Teens
- Is Your Teen Abusing Drugs or Alcohol?
- About Face: Treating Teen Acne
- Your Teen’s SOS Signals
- Tips for Working Parents: Teenagers
- The heart
- Teens – Tools for parents
- Access to the pediatric medical chart – Questions and Answers
- Mom, Dad…where do babies come from?
- Cold and Flu
- Holiday Safety
- Burn Prevention – Fire
- Halloween safety tips
- Rural Safety: On the Farm
- Dog Bites
- Playgrounds
- Trampolines
- Teaching Your Teen to Be a Good Driver
- Lawnmowers
- Falls in young children
- Bunk beds
- Window precautions
- Water activities
- Cuts and scrapes
- Choking in infants
- Slivers and splinters
- Returning to Sports after an Injury
- Finger and Toe Injuries
- Distraction as a tool to help your child cope with medical procedures
- Broken bones
- Sprains and Strains
- Car seats
- Votre enfant est-il prêt à faire face aux dangers de la rue?
- Is Your Child Street Smart?
- Is Your Child Street Smart?
- Tonsillectomy and/or Adenoidectomy
- Language Difficulties in preschool children: When to worry and how to help
- Can a young child learn two languages at the same time?
- Beware henna tattoos
- E. coli Infections: What You and Your Family Need to Know
- The common cold
- From Peer Pressure to Plastic Surgery: Why More and More Teens May be Opting to Go Under the Knife
- Understanding Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
- Understanding Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum)
- Asthma and Colds in Children
- 5 health tips to keep in mind while you travel
- 5 tips to avoid travel insurance woes
- When to go to the Emergency Room with your child
- 4 myths about donating tissues and organs
- Shaken Baby Impact Syndrome
- Helping Your Children Cope With Death
- Sibling Rivalry
- Childhood stress: Arming kids with tools to problem-solve for life
- Never too young for a hearing test
- Vocal Health in Children: Tips to Help Keep Your Child’s Voice in Shape
- Motion sickness: how to help your child
- Surviving Your Little One’s First Flight
- Keeping your kids happy and healthy — even during a heat wave
- Insect repellants: the pros and cons
- On immunizing your child—a social responsibility
- Demystifying sunscreen: it’s in the label
- On being raised “virtually addicted”
- Why is whooping cough (pertussis) making a comeback?
- Encouraging breastfeeding is a societal effort
- Dehydration in the summer: Sweating out the good stuff
- Shedding light on childhood cancers
- How to help a child understand cancer
- Declare war on germs today!
- ‘Tis the Season…For Colds and Sneezin’
- If your child is afraid of needles, you can help
- Is sitting too close to the television is bad for the eyes?
- Is it true that colour blindness only affects boys?
- Helping your kids adjust to daylight savings time
- True or false? Antibiotics will cure the flu.
- How to manage kids’ Holiday expectations
- Self-esteem: How can parents help?
- True or False: It’s better to get chicken pox as a child than as an adult.
- Safe celebrating during the Holidays
- You can help your children to manage their fears and phobias
- My child is being bullied—what can I do?
- My, how you’ve grown! And just as importantly, how have you grown?
- Keeping your family active this winter
- Advice for moms: talking to your daughter about menstruation
- True or False? By age six, children’s bodies are proportionately not very different from those of adults.
- Heat and medication: Humidity and soaring temperatures can alter drug effectiveness
- Kids in hot cars.
- The lowdown on lice: should you worry?
- How to make the most of your next visit to the doctor
- Paying another visit to Dr. Google? Consider these tips
- True or false? The usual treatments don’t work for head lice anymore.
- Immunization and the Internet: how to know you’re getting safe and accurate information
- Quashing cancer: September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- Flu season
- Is it moodiness or is it depression? Recognizing signs of depression in children and teens
- Managing burn trauma in children and adolescents – a guide for parents and families
- Preventing scald burns
- Child Safety for All Ages
- Could it be a concussion? How to tell
- Ear Trauma Emergencies
- Helmet Safety
- Active Kids, Healthy Kids
- Chronic and complex conditions: helping your teenager manage the transition to adult care
- The straight dose: what to remember when your child gets a new prescription
- Preventing Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning this winter
- Growing demands: why a child’s body needs sleep
- Could it be insomnia?
- Share your love of reading with your children
- It’s not all about food: 5 myths about eating disorders that every parent should read
- Looking through a broken mirror: Understanding distorted body image in children and teens
- Could it be an eating disorder? Know the warning signs of anorexia and bulimia in children and teens
- Q: I recently discovered that my daughter has been visiting pro-anorexia-type websites, referred to her by a friend at school.
- When it comes to sugar, how much is too much?
- My teenager wants to become a vegetarian. How can I make sure he’s getting the right nourishment?
- True or False? Sugar causes diabetes.
- Q: My son keeps getting cold sores. How can I help to prevent them?
- True or False? Not all tumors are cancerous.
- 6 facts about Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- 5 staggering facts about pediatric kidney transplants
- Understanding how kidneys work
- Understanding dialysis
- Understanding kidney transplants
- Q: Given that a healthy individual can live with just one kidney, why wouldn’t a parent donate a kidney to their child if that child needed a kidney transplant?
- True or False: children under the age of 18 can register as organ donors.
- If I have a chronic illness or disease, can I still become an organ donor?
- True or False: If you have a newborn, you’ll lose about 400 hours of sleep this year.
- 8 ways to create a safe sleeping environment for your baby
- What is Sleep Apnea?
- In the past few months, my child has been sleepwalking. It’s only happened a couple of times. Should I be concerned?
- How should I take my child’s temperature?
- True or False: Using sunscreen leads to vitamin D deficiency.
- My family has always used a sunscreen with SPF30. Should I be using a sunscreen with SPF60 or higher to ensure better sun protection?
- Understanding bone marrow transplants
- True or False: Survival rates for children with cancer have improved significantly in the past few decades
- Understanding acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- 9 questions about enterovirus D-68
- Q: Lately my toddler absolutely refuses to eat at meal times but I’m hesitant to give him more to eat at other times of the day. What can I do to ensure that he eats with the rest of the family?
- Caffeine kick: is your teen overdoing it?
- Going gluten-free: why it’s not right for everyone
- Pass the salt… or pass on salt?
- True or False: About 1 in every 2 teenage girls and 1 in every 4 teenage boys have tried dieting to change the shape of their bodies.
- True or False: As a healthy adult, I don’t need to get a flu shot – the flu vaccine is only for babies and elderly people.
- Q: It seems like every year there’s a new strain of flu circulating. How does this happen and is it a cause for concern?
- Understanding self-injury
- Teaching kids to be smart about social media
- What parents should know about e-cigarettes
- True or False: The sale and use of e-cigarettes in Canada is regulated by the government
- Is your child a reluctant reader?
- Q: How does ‘vaping’ e-cigarettes differ from smoking traditional cigarettes?
- The very real risks of avoiding vaccinations
- How do vaccines work?
- Why you should keep track of your child’s vaccinations
- Q: Is a vaccine safer than getting the real disease?
- True or False: Babies can easily handle more than one vaccine at a time
- Q: My son seems to be suffering from more and more headaches lately. How can you tell the difference between a headache and a migraine, and when should you see a doctor?
- True or False: A baby’s brain grows to three-quarters of its adult size by the age of two.
- True or false: A bone marrow donor must be a family member of the person who needs the transplant.
- Q: My son’s best friend is going to have a stem cell transplant in the next few weeks. What exactly are stem cells and why do some people need a transplant?
- Inflatable bouncers
- Swallowed magnets
- When to go to the Emergency Room
- Drowning prevention is a team sport
- Beyond picky eating: Understanding Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
- Fever in infants and young children
- Please! Don’t Shake Your Baby
- It’s really hot! Take special care of young children
- A Day in the Life of… the Neonatal Transport Team
- How to guide family conversations about COVID-19
- Language development and when to consult
- Backyard safety
- Your child’s hearing: developmental milestones
- Accidental cannabis ingestion
- Poison prevention tips
- Keep active @ home
- Guide pour les parents pour un casque de plagiocephalie (available in french only)
- I’ve heard that the flu vaccine is unnecessary, or that it can actually cause the flu. Is that true?
- Preventing Spread of Infection in Hospital: It is in your Hands
- Your child’s immune system has changed. How do you protect her from infection?
- Let’s get active! Helping your child maintain a healthy weight
- Improving physical activity
- Stuttering in Children
- Hand-eye coordination: the right way to give eye-drop medication to your child
- Keeping stomach flu at a healthy distance
- Your child’s hearing
- Airway hazards
- True or false? Kidney failure is curable.
- Ten things every parent should know about RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus